The Unknown

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Todays the day. Today we are going to my parents

I haven’t seen my parents in a while, which was done by choice. They aren’t the most accepting or loving. Asher keeps trying to make me less worried but it’s not working, he has no idea what they are like. Why i decided to go, i have no idea

“Ally, come on Love” I hear Asher say as he walks in the room 

“Can’t we stay here, we don’t have to go” I’ve tried all day to change his mind, nothings is working, he wants to meet my parents

“Nope, let’s go we are going to be late” He grabs my hand and starts pulling me out of the room 

I stop walking once we hit the front door, trying one last time to stay home “Asher you don’t understand, they hate me” 

He lets go of my hand and turns to face me “Love, they don’t hate you” 

“Oh yes they do, my brothers are their pride and joy, I am the one they kept out of pity” 

“Don’t say that, come on we have a long drive” 

He’ll never get it, maybe after today he will. They will do anything in their power to try and get him away from me, not because they think he’s bad for me, but because I am happy. Happiness for more is foreign, I wasn't allowed happiness as a child. A simple smile would result in my mother doing any and everything to make it go away

An hour in the drive and every second has been hell. The only thing on my mind is how my parents will react to Asher, my brothers will be supportive, they always have been with everything i’ve ever done. Eli is 7 years younger then me and Liam is just a year older but they are my best friends, sometimes i regret leaving them but they have their own lives, they don’t need to deal with their sisters problems 

Asher knows a lot about my family but I know very little about him. I know he had a sister and his parents died when he was 15 but that's it. I’m gonna ask him 



“Tell me about your family” He stiffens and looks at me


“What do you want to know?” He says happily, “Everything” I say looking over at him. He lets out a heavy breath but starts 

“Well, my mothers name was Elizabeth ,my fathers name was Elton and my sister's name was Anna. My mother stayed home with my sister and I, while my father was a farmer. We lived on a huge piece of land in Georgia with so many animals. I haven’t gone back there in years, last time I went back the land was empty, I couldn’t bare looking at my childhood gone so i haven’t gone since. My parents died in a house fire in 1902, i had woken up to my mother screaming and my father rushing into my room, he had told me to take my sister and run, i was 15 at the time so i ran, grabbed my sleeping sister and as i took the last step off our porch the house fell with my parents still inside. We had stayed with my aunt for a couple months, but one night Anna had gone for a walk and never came home, we searched for years looking for her, but in 1906 i was in New York, during this time i was on a rampage killing anything in sight, i was walking down the street when a women passed me, i caught a glimpse of her face she look exactly like Anna, i ran after her and when i seen her face i knew it was her, she had tried to run away but i held her still.” He stopped talking and wrapped his hand tightly on the steering wheel

“What happened Asher” I say laying my hand on his thigh 

“She knew who I was, she said she ran away and traveled to New york. She had no remorse, no regret. I questioned her why, all she said was she never wanted to see me again and that it was my fault for not saving our parents. Later that year she passed away in a car accident, she was only 17” He still had his hands tightened on the wheel and if he could cry i knew he would be, he’s filled with regret and sadness 

“I’m so sorry Asher” I don’t know what to say, i wasn't expecting that

“It was years ago, it hurts but i choose to not feel it anymore” He moves his hand to rest it over mine

“I’m sorry i made you talk about it” I feel bad, he sounded so hurt talking about his past 

“Don’t be sorry my love, you need to know these things” He reassures me, not making me feel much better tho 

Just at the end of our conversation we are pulling into my old neighborhood, passing all the homes I remember so well and finally reaching my parents home. Asher pulls into the driveway and turns off the car, i sit there not moving, i need to mentally prepare myself for this cause it won’t be pretty 

“It’s gonna be okay love” Asher says, i lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes. He leans over to me and places a kiss on my head 

“I can do this, it’s only been a year, nope i can’t let's go home” i say looking over to meet his eyes staring at me 

“Ally, i’m right here with you, if anything happens we will leave, okay?” 


“Yes, now come on” 

I unbuckle my seat belt and step out of the car, we start walking to the door and once we reach it, he knocks twice. Each knock making me panic more. Finally someone comes to the door and that person is my mother. 

Well here goes nothing, no turning back now…

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