The Unknown

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I wake up to the sound of someone banging on the door. I jump up and run out the door, going down the stairs and then running into Asher walking out of the kitchen 

“Oh shit” He says startled 

“I’m sorry” I say but before he could answer the banging started again. We walk to the door and he opens it. I see a man I've never seen before. He looks scared, Asher seems to know him tho 

“Griffin?” Asher says to him

‘Griffin’ that’s his name, why his he at our door at 6am 

“Have you seen Chris and Olivia, they left last night and i haven’t heard or seen them since” Griffin says and pushes past me and Asher, welcoming himself into the house

Asher walks to Griffin and sits next to him on the couch 

“Where did they go” Asher asks 

“To the bakery, Olivia wanted to make new cupcakes for today and they never came back” Griffin has his hands in his face, I feel bad for him, he looks extremely scared and worried 

“Ally, go get my phone” Asher says to me, so I turn and go back upstairs to grab his phone. When I pick it up it turns on and I see multiple messages from Chris and many missed calls from Olivia. I gasp and run down the stairs 

“Asher, they have been blowing your phone up all night” I say to him the second i get into the living room, he jumps up off the couch and rips his phone out of my hand 

“What did they say” Griffin asks 

“Shit shit shit” Asher says under his breath, then puts his phone to his ear. I hear the ringing then someone answers

“Chris?” Asher questioned 

“So nice of you to FINALLY PICK UP YOUR FUCKING PHONE ASHER” i hear someone yell 

Oh yeah, that’s definitely Chris 

“I’m sorry, I didn't have my phone on me. Are you guys okay?” He says and Griffin looks like he can breathe again, all the worry and stress has disappeared 

“We’re fine, but Asher” Olivia now has the phone, Griffin and I already know what’s about to come so we both cover our ears 

“Yes” Asher says to her. Bad idea hunny 

“LEARN HOW TO ANSWER YOUR GODDAMN PHONE OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL END YOU” She screams at him, with full force. We could still hear it with our ears covered, i don’t know how Asher isn’t deaf now

“Okay okay, so what happened” How he’s not intimidated by her i’ll never understand 

“A hunter came into the bakery last night asking about you, when we didn’t say anything he shot Chris in the arm” Olivia say, she seems calm now 

“WHAT” Asher yells “Is he okay, where are you” 

I tuned out the conversation after that. A hunter was looking for Asher, and he shot Chris. What if he had killed Chris or what if it wasn’t Chris, what if it was Asher and he had killed Asher. 

I felt a tear run down my cheek thinking about that. I couldn’t imagine seeing Asher dead, i know people know they exist and they obviously know Asher is a vampire and they are coming after him, with no care who gets hurt in the process 

Asher pulls me out of my thoughts when he shakes my shoulders and yells at me to go get dressed. I don’t say anything, I turn and go get dressed. I figured we were going wherever Chris and Olivia are. 

We’re sitting in the car driving to the bakery, Asher hadn’t said a word to me since we left the house. I know he’s scared and worried about Chris so I don't try and start a conversation with him. Griffin looks like a wreck, he’s worried sick and itching to see Chris and Olivia, can’t say I blame him. 

We get to the bakery and the second the car stops Asher and Griffin jump out, I follow along rushing into the shop. We see Olivia sitting at one of the tables but no sight of Chris, Asher runs to her side hugging her the moment he gets close enough

“I’m okay, honey” I hear her say while holding onto Asher. Olivia is like a mom to Asher, she gets on his everlasting nerve but she loves him, Griffin goes over to them and they group hug, i didn’t know what to do so i stood there waiting. 

“Where’s Chris?” Griffin asks still holding onto Olivia

“I’m right here, what’s with all this” We all turn when we hear Chris’s voice, as much as he scares me, i’m thankful he’s okay

“God Chris, quit getting caught up in my drama” Asher jokingly says before he wraps his arms around him embracing him in a hug 

“Ally” i hear Olivia call my name so i go over to her and Griffin

“Come here” She says then pulls me into a tight hug, almost crushing me 

“Can’t breathe” I say trying to pull away from her 

“Oh shit, i’m sorry” She lets go and puts her hands on my shoulders 

“Geez Liv, don’t break my girlfriend” Asher says from behind me. “Hush, I forget she’s human” she makes a silly face at me which makes me laugh 

This family is very strange but in such a good way, i never got to experience a healthy, loving family before, but i’m so glad I found one 

Chris, Asher and Griffin excuse themselves and go into the back to talk about the hunter. I was intrigued and wanted to know but I knew Asher wouldn’t let me go with them. He thinks he’s protecting me from it but he knows as well as I do, Olivia will tell me all about it during work, even if she’s not supposed to. 

I’d trust this women with my life, but never with a secret 

I know more about the people in this town then I know about myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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