Chapter 3 - A Hell Of A Start To A Vacation ✔️

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This chapter will be even longer than chapter 2. There's so many details i want to get into this story that it will make for lengthy chapters.

This chapter in particular is pivotal in Carter and Amy's relationship. And a lot of things will be happening here that will set up the rest of the story so pay attention... and surprise! I said 3 of six chapters would contain smut making this book have a 50% smut rating but... why not make it 66.67%???

I have to take a sleeping pill in order to calm my nerves enough to rest

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I have to take a sleeping pill in order to calm my nerves enough to rest.

I'd stay up all night otherwise, and there's no way I could possibly drive the four and a half hours to the condo on zero sleep.

And just the same, there's no way that I'd ever ask Amy to.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm beeping in my ear. I swipe my finger across the screen and drop my phone on the bed, I put my forearm over my eyes, taking a few minutes to fully wake up.

It doesn't take me long, and I'm wide awake and out of bed.

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, I take a long look at my reflection.

New clothes-things I'd never normally wear but that don't look as out of place as I figured they would.

Uncomfortable risers in my new shoes that boost my height by at least two full inches, putting me right on scale for Amy's height requirement.

I damn near blind myself putting in the cosmetic colored contact lens, but I finally manage to pop them in after at least a dozen failed attempts. And I don't even want to think about taking them out, but the box says they are good for a week. All I know is that they better be.

I even take a few extra minutes to style my hair I a no-effort look, like the Smartcuts stylist did. Typically, I'd just run my fingers through it a few times and call it good enough.

And as I stand back, checking out the completed look, I begin to feel as different as I look.

I guess there really may be something to the old saying "look good, feel good," but honestly, I think it's mostly a mixture of anxiety and nervous excitement.

I grab my duffle bag and switch off the light, ready to get this day, this week, with Amy started.

I load up the car and go back in to tell mom and Aunt Mary goodbye and let them know we are getting ready to leave.

I walk into mom's room expecting to find mom curled up in bed, sleeping off the remains of the flu, but what I walk into is something I wasn't expecting in the slightest reaches of the dark corners of my mind.

I never knock; it's not a good habit, I know, and it's a habit that i will live to soon regret and immediately do as soon as I open the door and start to walk in and see Aunt Mary with her hand under mom's gown.

Attracting Amy - 18+ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now