Chapter 2 - The Make Over ✔️

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The following is a lengthy chapter while this story is only 6 parts each chapter (aside from chapter 1) will be pretty long. Chapter 3 is when the story starts really picking up! ❤️

Nice, tall, blonde, big feet, love animals, blue eyes, athletic, nice car, plans for the future, nice smile, funny, smart, and sexy

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Nice, tall, blonde, big feet, love animals, blue eyes, athletic, nice car, plans for the future, nice smile, funny, smart, and sexy.

I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about Amy's list.

Sure, I can pass the first few things with no issue, but the rest?

How am I supposed to grow three inches, get blue eyes, and become athletic overnight? Not to mention the rest.

I smack my palm against my forehead and shake my head, nearly resolving myself to the fact that I will never be Amy's perfect guy.

Then I get an idea.

Why not?

People change their appearances all the time, make themselves look or even act like completely different people, so why can't I?

Why can't I be Amy's dream guy?

I fold my hands across my chest and smile to myself.

I swing my legs over the bed and get up, crossing over to the switch in the wall and flipping it to the on position.

I walk into my bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. Carefully examining each of my features.

It's not a bad place to start.

But then I have another realization: how am I going to pull it off? Because there's not a snowball's chance in hell of me being able to do it myself.

I grab my phone and scroll through my socials. I'm nowhere near as popular as Amy; she has the ability to make friends with anyone, but I'm not totally without friends. But who can I trust enough to confide in when it comes to this?

Then it hits me.


I pull up his number and press call.

"Hello?" He answers, half asleep.

Damn, I forgot how late it is.

"Hey man, sorry, I didn't realize it was so late." I say, rubbing my face with my hand.

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah, I was just calling because I need your help. Do you think you could come over? I'd rather explain it all in person."

"I thought you said everything was kosher."

"It is."

"So what's the reason for the 3 a.m. rendezvous?"

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