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"Long night?"

Clemmie held a mischievous smirk on her face. I scoffed, slapping her shoulder as we made our way into the academic building. "Clemensia Dovecote, get your mind out of the gutter!"

The black-haired girl burst into a fit of laughter as we walked down the corridor together. Of course, she thought of my tiredness in a dirty way.

"I'm not going to lie and say I didn't think that Coryo wouldn't thank you in that way. I mean, you said his celebration was a success, you can't blame me for thinking it."

I rolled my eyes, "He didn't, by the way. And even if he did, why should I discuss that with you?" The thought of sleeping with Coryo sent shivers down my spine. I wasn't a virgin by any means, but crossing that bridge with him just felt so wrong.

"We're best friends, Flora! You can tell me anything." Clemmie tugged on my arm, only managing to make me laugh which drew the attention of those around us.

Both Livia and Lysistrata made their way over to us, the four of us girls now standing in a more open spot in the building, a sort of communal studying area. The two girls immediately began asking me how Coryo's birthday celebration went which only made me assume that Clemmie told them what she had planned for me.

"It was nice! Grandma'am talked with my parents for hours, so it was well past midnight before any of us got to sleep." I laughed again, recalling how tired I was when the Snow family departed last night.

Festus Creed was quick to join our small group upon noticing our presence. Out of all of the boys that we graduated with, Festus was amongst the least annoying, the boy could carry on a decent conversation at times, so I didn't mind that we kept him around.

"Where's Loverboy?" the curly-headed boy smirked, throwing a lazy arm around Livia's shoulders. The girl didn't even flinch when he did so, just accepting it as normalcy.

I rolled my eyes at his nickname for Coryo. "Not sure, we usually arrive separately." Which wasn't a lie. Coryo tends to leave home early in the mornings so he can stop by the Lab on his way to classes, something about wanting to make sure he keeps in Dr. Gaul's good graces.

I wish I had that sense of motivation, but ever since I was informed that all I'd amount to was being the wife of the President, I find it hard to put in extra effort to impress the woman who put me in this position. I would do my best work when it was my time to be in the lab and that would be all. Dr. Gaul didn't deserve anything extra from me.

"What a shame." Festus shrugged as all of us girls fell into a conversation again, this time about our upcoming examination in a class we all had together.

As everyone talked, I fell back into only listening, just enjoying being in the presence of my friends. They all spoke with such personality and I loved it, it made me realize how lucky I was to know such amazing people.

"Morning." Coryo's quiet voice in my ear while he looped an arm around my waist only made me jump slightly. I knew he'd arrive at some point, I just didn't know I wouldn't see him coming.

I turned my head slightly to face his, a slight smile on my face. The past few days I actually was looking forward to the moments I got to see him, it felt weird seeing as we used to avoid each other at all costs for years. "Good morning, Coryo."

He fought the smile tugging on his lips, it was only my second day using the nickname again and I know he enjoyed it, but it was obvious he didn't want anyone else to know.

"Coryo!" Lysistrata called out, almost as though she was announcing his presence to the entire university.

I let myself lean back into his chest as he stood behind me, once again listening to everyone's conversation, this time it being focused on my 'boyfriend' and how his birthday went.

"Coriolanus, you got your birthday kiss, I presume." Festus teased.

I had to fight the urge to let my eyes go wide in shock at Festus' words. Kiss? We haven't kissed yet, haven't needed to. We were touchy, kissed each other's faces, people knew we were dating. But no proper kiss.

"I didn't actually," Coryo responded, a slight chuckle in his voice.

Why didn't he lie? I wanted to glare at him and maybe slap his arm so badly. He could've lied and we would've been fine. And now surely Festus is going to guilt us into kissing now or he'll never give up on hounding me for not giving my 'boyfriend' a birthday kiss.

"Now, Miss Flora Fox, you deprived your boyfriend of his birthday kiss?" Again, his words were in a teasing manner. I truly don't think he's capable of much else at times.

I groaned, I knew I was right. "For fuck's sake." I whispered under my breath, not minding the slight gasps from the girls at my use of foul language.

I rolled my eyes as I turned my body, reaching up to grab the back of Coryo's neck to bring him closer to my height. Our lips collided and I kissed him as hard as I could. And by the sharp intake of breath from Coryo, I knew he wasn't expecting me to do so.

The kiss had to be long enough for the others not to question anything, so I let my hand slip from his neck to the back of his head. I frowned slightly when I remembered his curls were gone, he had an entirely new haircut post-growing out his Peacekeeper buzzcut.

Coryo must've finally gotten used to me kissing him because he leaned in more, his grip on my waist tightening. In fear of him deepening it any further, I quickly pulled away from the kiss.

"Happy?" I asked as I spun back around, my thumb wiping off my bottom lip.

Festus looked mildly shocked, his arm slipping from Livia's shoulders as he nodded, the girls laughing at his reaction.


I pulled Coryo's arm from my waist and slipped a hand into his, tugging him away from the group, suddenly wanting to be anywhere but here. My mind was swirling with thoughts and desires, one of them being his soft, pink lips. There's no way his lips should be that addicting because right now all I want is more.

But I shouldn't.

"What was that?" Coryo chuckled, still obviously in as much of a daze as I was, "You've been so against us kissing to prove our relationship and then you went and did-"

"That was because I didn't want Festus hounding me all day, that's all."

Somehow, I had let Coryo back me up against the wall, trapping myself. I'm not sure I like being stuck in this position.

"That's all, huh?" That smug smirk that always drives me crazy.

I crossed my arms over my chest, staring up at him for a moment. The way his blue eyes stared into my brown ones drove me crazy. I really don't like the power this man is starting to have over me.

"Is it weird to say I miss your curls?"

He let out a breathy laugh, the look in his eyes changing as he stared down at me. I couldn't quite place what the look was.

"Only a little."

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