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"So, his birthday is when?"

Clemensia and I walked toward the University with our arms linked together, like two peas in a pod. "3 days from now." We were speaking of Coriolanus, my boyfriend.

"Right, because you're a week apart." She nodded, nudging my arm with hers, "That's actually one of the cutest things I've ever heard of, though. How does he feel about it?"

I had to recall way back to when we were kids. He only started getting jealous of me being older when it started to 'count' and apparently that was at age 6, because for some reason, 6 felt so much older than 5. It didn't matter that we were in the middle of a huge war, Coriolanus didn't like being younger than his best friend. He wanted to be the older one, always saying something about Snows landing on top. I don't know.

"He's always been bitter about it." I laughed, pretending that I found his discontentment cute instead of childish.

Clemmie flashed the biggest smile, "Even cuter." We began our journey up the stairs of our academic building, we had a couple of classes this morning before we could get to our jobs in the afternoon. "Come over tomorrow, we'll plan his birthday. Are you thinking just you two or a party similar to yours?"

In all honesty, I didn't want to do anything for the boy. He hadn't even remembered my birthday so why should I do anything for his? Coriolanus took me out to dinner as our first 'date' on my birthday and hadn't even known it was a special day. Yet, even though we haven't really been friends this past near decade, I never once forgot his.

"I'm not sure he'd enjoy anything too big..." I was trying to think back to the Coriolanus I once knew rather well. "Maybe private? Or just with our families, nothing too flashy."

"That totally makes sense for him." Once we made it to the landing that led to the grand doorway, Clemmie stopped our forward movement. "I'll start thinking ideas! See you around." She kissed my cheek before scampering away.

"What kind of ideas?"

Of course he'd be lurking around here.

I put on a fake smile and turned toward the sound of my 'boyfriend's' voice. "Oh, nothing." I tried to sound like I was hiding something so he'd pry.

Coriolanus cocked an eyebrow, "Do tell, Flo." I tried not to react to his first use of my nickname in years.

Instead, I continued to put on the show of 'loving girlfriend' and went up on my toes, hooking my arms loosely behind his neck. "Oh, you know, someone's birthday is in 3 days and a celebration has got to be planned."

His eyes widened slightly but he was quick to regain his composure, his hands anchoring themselves on my hips. "Could it be mine?" Coriolanus questioned, playing along. I cracked a smile to confirm his suspicions. "Now, Flower, remember how I don't like big parties."

This time it was me raising an eyebrow, basically questioning the new nickname. I'd never heard that one before from him, not even when we were younger or even in a mocking way.

"You think I don't know my boyfriend?" I wanted to cringe at the use of the word. Nearly 3 weeks of dating and I hadn't called him that out loud.

It seemed like Coriolanus made the connection too because his smug smile returned. "I never doubted you for a second, my Love." A third nickname in less than 10 minutes? He ducked down and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

I'm ignoring how his lips felt against my skin, I don't have time to think about that.

"I'm a perfect girlfriend, don't you ever doubt that, Coriolanus Snow."

I decided that I had enough of this conversation, feeling too awkward to carry on, so I unhooked my arms and walked off and through the doors. That, and I hated that I'd referred to myself as his 'girlfriend.' Dr. Gaul better praise me for being so good to him.

His quick steps behind me were all I heard as I walked through the corridor. I thought I was free of him, however, until I felt his way too soft hand slip into mine.

"Can't let you walk to class alone, now can I? I'd be a terrible boyfriend to my perfect girlfriend." Coriolanus emphasized the word I used to describe myself earlier, and I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or not.

But, sure enough, he walked me all of the way to the door of my classroom. "See you in the lab later, Flo." A soft smile this time.

A tender kiss to my forehead.

And heated cheeks that I tried to ignore as I dropped my head down while I walked to my seat. Physical touch was different with Sejanus, it was comfortable. It didn't make me blush and he rarely made me nervous. But Coriolanus? Sometimes it's like my body is on fire when I'm around him. I don't like it.

"Y'know," Festus whispered as I sat down next to him and the lecture began, "When we were young, I looked at my mother one day and told her that if anyone in our class got married it would be you two? I swear it. And now, look at you two, completely head-over-heels for the other."

I think I'm going to puke.

"You know how much I despise simple, right?"

I laughed as I sat down on Clemmie's bed with her. She had a small notebook in front of her, pages filled from top to bottom. How many birthday celebration ideas did she have?

"I'm aware, Clemmie, I'm sure a simple surprise party for me was like pulling teeth." She nodded, a fake pained expression on her face.

"Truly, but I had to go with what the kid thought up." The girl folded her hands across her lap, "For your boy, though. I think start private and then do family."

Clemmie tossed her pin-straight ponytail over one shoulder as she studied her notebook. I assume she was trying to come up with the best idea pitch for me she could.

"I'm thinking you take him to the ice cream place by your apartment-"

"Caribou Corral?" I cut her off, the decadent ice cream shop somehow owned by previous district-born Capitol citizens was one of my favorite places to go to, and almost the only dessert place you could find around here.

"Yes! And then you bring him back to your house for a nice dinner with your family, his Grandma'am, and Tigris." She shrugged, "Simple!"

She wasn't wrong. Ice cream and a nice dinner seemed completely up Coriolanus' alley. This all made sense. A sweet treat and dinner with loved ones. No flaunting of anything.

"I actually think that'll be perfect, Clem. Thank you!"

The smuggest smile showed on her face, of course I had boosted her ego. "I knew it would be." Her attention returned to her notebook, the girl flipping a couple of pages over and then tearing a few out.

"I asked my Cook for food suggestions and her best cake recipe. These are the recipes and a grocery list, tell your Cook to make it a rush order."

I playfully saluted the girl, knowing that she had everything well thought through.

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!"

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