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"Happy birthday, Flo!"

I couldn't help the smile on my face as my little sister ran up, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. Behind her stood our parents, the Plinths, and some of my closest friends from the Academy - Festus Creed, Lysistrata Vickers, Livia Cardew, and Clemensia Dovecote.

They'd thrown me a surprise birthday party.
"I planned it all myself!" Fauna had the biggest smile on her face, she was immensely proud of herself.

I cocked an eyebrow, my arms wrapped around her shoulders, she was a small 10-year-old. "All by yourself?"

Clemensia skipped over, "With a little assistance from yours truly."

I released Fauna and tugged my best friend into my arms, "You're amazing, Clemmie." As we let go, the rest of my friends came over to hug me, holding me tight and wishing me a happy birthday.

My birthday wasn't something I liked to broadcast, typically I'd be fine with a nice dinner or seeing a few friends, but this party was perfect. It only had the people I truly cared about in attendance... and Coriolanus.

"I was honestly surprised when your dear boyfriend didn't ask to help with the party planning." Clemensia sent a look to the blond boy as she hooked her arm around my shoulders, pulling me away and toward where the adults were waiting, "I thought he was better than this."

"He's not big on party planning, you should know this, Clemmie." I fake laughed, attempting to defend my 'boyfriend' even though I didn't really want to.

"I'm also surprised you're dating him." she was quiet with her words.

I'm surprised too, honestly. "I mean, it was bound to happen, yeah? Everyone thought it would happen when we were younger, I guess we just had to fall apart before we came back together." I better be praised for how elaborate my lie was. If only Gaul could hear how much I was defending her golden boy.

Clemensia dropped me off by the group of 4 adults, giving them their turn with me. My parents were quick to hug me, each kissing my head as they gave me their wishes. The sight of Strabo and Ma brought tears to my eyes. I should've been here with their son, not Coriolanus. The four of us should be celebrating happily, but here we are with only three.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." Ma smiled, placing a kiss to the side of my head like my own mother had.

Strabo pulled me into a tight hug, "Happy birthday, my darling girl." His smile was less pronounced, but nevertheless still there. "I'm glad you still ended up with one of my boys."

My smile faltered for a split second. He meant Coriolanus.

"Of course." Before I could speak anymore, a hand gripped my wrist.

"May I borrow my girl for a moment?" Coriolanus. Why'd I think he'd stay away from me at the party? Actually, I had hoped he would've left by now, getting the message that he wasn't wanted here. But no.

Strabo beamed at the boy, "Of course, Son!"

I think I threw up in my mouth. Why'd they take to Coriolanus so quickly? It made me feel as though they were completely forgetting about Sejanus.

Coriolanus didn't stop dragging me behind him until he reached the hallway that led to our bedrooms. How did he know this was over here? He hasn't been here in years, did he somehow remember the layout of the apartment this whole time?

"It's your birthday?" He asked in a hushed voice.

I chuckled, leaning against the wall behind me. "Maybe."

"And you didn't tell me?" He propped his arm up against the wall above my head, leaning over me and effectively caging me in. "Looks pretty shitty as your boyfriend to not know your birthday, I should've helped Clem and Fauna plan this."

He was really blaming this on me? "Did you forget we were best friends once, Coriolanus? You never seemed to forget my birthday back then."

The blond boy was quiet for a moment, almost as if he were reminiscing. I could see the gears turning in his head, there were so many thoughts behind those captivating blue eyes of his.

"Shit," he breathed out, "I'd always get mad because you were a week older than me."

I nodded, I remember how upset Coriolanus was when I turned 10 before he did. "Mhmm, now we're 19 and 18. How cute." My playfulness came through as I reached up and patted his cheek, "You still bitter about it, Coriolanus?"

He scoffed, "Call me 'Coryo,' like everyone else does. Like you used to. 'Coriolanus' sounds too impersonal."

He was right, I used to exclusively call him by the nickname. I always claimed it was because 'Coriolanus' sounded like a name for a grown up and we weren't grown ups. But then after Sejanus and I grew close and Coriolanus abandoned our friendship, I decided that 'Coryo' was too friendly to call someone who didn't want to be friends anymore.

"What if I don't want to?" I'm still bitter about it all. Little me just wanted to have her long-time best friend and her new best friend, not to give up one to get the other.
The boy locked his eyes on mine, his voice dropping, "Don't make me beg."

I cupped his cheeks, bringing his face closer to mine, "Oh, but I want you to." My words were spoken with a smirk.

Coriolanus' breath was hot on my face, sending shivers down my spine. His eyes flickering between my eyes and my lips. He wanted to kiss me again.

I know he did. But I'm not quite sure if he was playing along with our fake relationship or if this was for real.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt, but the birthday girl has been requested to blow out her candles." Livia's sweet voice caused us both to stand up straight, hands leaving each other.

I cleared my throat as I walked away, my arm brushing his. Livia was quick to hook her arm in mine, pulling me with her.

"Sorry I ruined the moment." she giggled right before we rejoined everyone.

No, thank you for ruining the 'moment,' Livia.

Halfway through the group singing 'Happy Birthday' to me, I felt a presence behind me and a hand softly placed on my hip. I'm going to have to get used to romantic physical touch again. I could barely hear Coriolanus' soft singing to the song, but for some reason, the sound brought a warmth to my heart.

Maybe because, when we were younger, Coriolanus never sang loudly during any birthday song. His voice was always quiet and I'm not sure why. So, his soft voice in my ear was a reminder of the past. A reminder of the curly-headed blond that was always by my side.

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