Chapter 26: Break a Leg, or a Tongue

Start from the beginning

Yamada: We were born here. Like it or not, things won't matter.

Then, she swings from the tree to kick them but not before Tatsumi gives her a scar with his spear.

Yamada: I've killed multiple and seen multiple killed. Why don't you just adjust yourselves to it instead of doing the stupid decision? After all, we're only human.

She tries to attack again, but Jun grabs her tongue, pulls her toward him, and front kicks her jaw. The nihilistic chameleon starts trying to fight Jun and he first roundhouse kicks her into a tree. She then hides out and continues her sneak attacks.

Jin: We kill her once we can.

Yamada: Green Thumb.

She then turns into shrubbery and starts throwing mass amounts of poison berries at the group which turn into poisonous clouds.

Jin: Stay back, guys! I'll deal with it!

As everyone dodges the poisonous clouds, Yamada then rushes to Leone and lashes her tongue, but the lioness catches it with her fingers.

As everyone dodges the poisonous clouds, Yamada then rushes to Leone and lashes her tongue, but the lioness catches it with her fingers

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Leone: Caught ya!

Jun: Hold onto it!

She then does that and Akame tries to kill her with Murasame. But Yamada slides and it nearly stabs Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Whoa!

Akame: Oh my god!

She then swats Murasame away from Akame's hands, and grabs the demon girl to throw into Tatsumi.

Leone: No one goes after my friends!

They fight for a bit and although Leone had to limit her attacks, when Yamada does another tongue whip along with a vine whip, she grabs the vine whip, and ties it to her hand.

Leone: Time for some payback!

She then starts flailing around Yamada as she slams her into the ground once to the left, twice to the right, and then spins her around and throws her into the fake house filled with toxic gas. As Yamada tries to crawl out, she then just lies there and mutters something.

Yamada: What's the......point?

She then chokes to death and the gang high five.

Leone: We did it!

Then, Jin puts the body inside the fake house and burns it, shocking the group, especially Jun.

Then, Jin puts the body inside the fake house and burns it, shocking the group, especially Jun

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Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now