"We won't pay it. It depends on the government office. If we don't believe it, they will drag us in and kill us!"

Ji Yangzong also has to pay taxes. Although it is not a problem to pay by himself now, who can laugh at such a situation.

They are just people who are being exploited, so it is impossible for him to be in a good mood.

Moreover, if this is done in the state capital, the work of Li Zheng will be much more difficult than before.

Farmers are dragging their feet and refusing to pay taxes, and Li Zheng has to be urged by the state government, so both sides are unhappy.

He knew that once this year's taxes were announced, some people would be excited.

When they came back, Li Zheng, who was traveling together, was both sad.

Ji Yangzong scolded him coldly: "What are you shouting at me! If you really want to be brave and a real man, go to the gate of the state government office and shout!"

"I'm just going there to seek justice. Why?"

After being scolded by Ji Yangzong, the villagers still shouted, but their voices became obviously lower.

Ji Yangzong shook his head. The villagers had been buried in the ground all their lives, and there were only a few who really dared to make trouble when they encountered injustice.

I usually tremble with fear even when I go to court after being sued, let alone when there is an uprising.

The officers and soldiers of the state capital were not vegetarians, and they would attack broken arms and legs with sticks.

Otherwise, the hoarding of troops in the suburbs is even more ferocious.

To put it bluntly, the common people could only scream twice in their own nests, and they dared not speak out in anger.

Before the announcement was made, Ji Yangzong comforted everyone, and then he was worried about leaving the meeting.

Someone squeezed up from the crowd and said a few words to him.

Ji Yangzong looked at Sun Yuanniang, who had a rosy complexion and was dressed up in a certain style. Standing among the dejected crowd, she looked particularly eye-catching.

After listening to Sun Yuanniang's words, his chest heaved deeply.

"The You family's new house has been completed. There will be a housewarming party at the end of this month. Everyone is welcome to come over and have some food and wine."

Sun Yuanniang said tightly: "Everyone will be free by then, so everyone can come."

The expressions on the faces of all the villagers were colorful. No one felt comfortable at this moment. The You family actually rushed to announce the family's happy event at this time. They really knew how to pick their time.

Sun Yuanniang had been holding her tail between her legs for a long time, but she finally showed off her power during this autumn harvest and tax payment.

I didn't want to come here to listen to the taxes, but I still came with my hands folded, intending to listen to the excitement and show off to the villagers.

The entire Mingxun Township and even all the townships under the prefecture were in silence and sadness, but the You family was the only one smiling.

After the meeting ended, the farmers who went together cursed and cried.

It was early autumn, and the sky was actually dyed with a desolate color.

"Hey, no matter how hard it is for us, we don't want to hurt our children. We should send them to study and take exams as much as possible. As long as they make some achievements, the family will be relieved."

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