As long as there is some trouble in any year, the land will have to be sold after the autumn harvest.

The land was running out, and it could not be moved year after year. In the end, it became someone else's slave and a tenant.

Although a group of farmers have broadened their horizons a lot, they have never put money in their pockets.

This morning, I suddenly heard that one person could get forty taels. I was so filled with joy that my head was a little dizzy. I was not sure that there could really be that much.

After looking at the bill again, I opened the general ledger separately. Now that I know how the forty taels came from, I feel a lot more at ease.

I was out for four months, even though my head was tied to my belt, I almost lost my life several times.

It was a lie that I didn't complain or feel worried in private along the way, but now that I've settled the score, I feel like everything was worth it.

This large amount of money is enough for the whole family to work for two full years, and it is only that much. Without other deductions, the whole family may not be able to save it even if they save for most of their lives.

With such a gratifying income, who can be dissatisfied.

"No problem, no problem."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

Seeing this, Huo Shu said: "If there are no objections, I will divide the money. Once I get it, I will sign and place a deposit, and this matter will be over."

"Ai, okay! Okay!"

Everyone agreed one after another.

Taoyu held up the pen and said: "I have paid advance money here to buy things before, so I have to deduct it from these forty taels. I remember it clearly."


Forty taels of silver was a heavy bag in my hand, and the money bag was tied to the waistband of my pants to the point where I had to pull my pants down.

However, no one dislikes this trouble. If they could, they would wish to have such trouble every day.

The money was divided among the eleven people very quickly. After the correct money was mentioned one by one, they signed and pledged their names.

This is the first time I have pressed such a happy fingerprint.

The money goes into the wallet, and the quick-thinking people are already thinking about how to spend the money.

Ji Wenliang let people from neighboring villages and his own village settle the accounts first, and he was the last one to go up and collect the money.

Looking at the white money, my mouth almost broke to the base of my ears.

Taoyu saw that there was only one name left on the ledger, looked up at Ji Wenliang, and said with a smile: "You are so calm. People are eager to put the money into their pockets first."

"I'm right here in the village. Let's give it a try. What can you do?"

Ji Wenliang stepped forward and whispered: "Brother and brother-in-law can't run away. Without anyone else, my wages will not be reduced."

"Yes, I have to give it to you even if I sell it. If we don't give it to dad, we will give it to you out of our own pockets."

Ji Wenliang smiled a little wider than Sheng.

"I'm very happy. I knew from the first moment I saw my brother-in-law that he was a good person, and I would be able to succeed if I followed him."

He leaned on the table and said to Tao Yu: "You don't know how annoying Third Aunt is. Didn't cousin Yuan Fei go to work with his uncle's work team? It's rare for him to be honest and not run back halfway. After the Third Aunt's family praised him, he My brother has become successful, and he praises his cousin over there again."

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