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"I'm going to make him suffer" Beyoncé told Onika during their last night together. Beyoncé had been in her home for the past 2 nights and it had been lovely to be away from the pressures and reminders of her husband.

She was sat up, running a hand along Nickis naked back as Nickis head rested on her legs comfortably drifting in and out of sleep. There was something so peaceful about being there with Onika; an energy so pure, she wanted to release all of her secrets. She was almost annoyed that her husband would be back the next day. She didn't want to go home. She wanted to stay with Onika.

Nicki raised a brow at Beyoncé's harsh words, knowing her lover was deep in thought. She truthfully didn't care what Beyoncé did to her husband. She didn't know the man, outside of her relationship to him. That was probably the revenge that he deserved. But she did worry about how it could affect her. If Beyoncé's husband suffered did that mean she would also suffer?

"Bey" she whispered, ashamed of what she was about to say. She didn't want to defend him, especially not to his wife, and she hated to say what she knew Beyoncé didn't want to hear. But, Beyoncé still hadn't given Nicki a real way out of this. She didn't know what else to do. He was the one that had given her all of this. If it wasn't for the man, the two wouldn't even have met.

"I know you hate him," she paused to yawn before she continued. "But he was good to me..." she let her words trail off.

Beyoncé stiffened and let her hand rest in position. She knew Nicki waa talking about more than just designer clothes and money. She had come to learn that Nicki was more than just a girl who was using her husband for money. He was good to her in some way that Beyoncé couldn't understand. Nicki felt some kind of loyalty towards the man and that made her uncomfortable.

"Oh?" She tensed, watching how Onikas eyes fluttered trying to stay open. She was still clearly tired.

"If it wasn't for him I'd still be homeless" she said through another yawn. Beyoncé knew she was fighting sleep to reply to her questions.

Beyoncé had always known Onika had been through more than she'd shared. But Onika had never given her any details and Beyoncé hadn't asked. Until now she'd been trying her best to hold Onika at a distance and not get too close. But, Beyoncé hated that she had been through that. She wanted to know everything that happened and who was to blame for Nickis pain.

"I'm so sorry" Beyoncé spoke running a hand along her face. She hated to think of Onika unsafe and unstable. The room was warm enough to not need any blanket, but Onika insisted on the one that was covering Beyoncé's legs. She fixed it so it was mainly on Onika, who adjusted her body and yawned again.

She wanted to ask for more details, but she was unsure if Nicki wanted to talk. Besides, she was clearly exhausted. Her eyes kept fluttering, ready to fall asleep. Beyoncé didn't want to stop her from getting some much needed rest so she let her sleep and watched her in amazement. Nicki was so impressive to her. Beyoncé's mind drifted to the video she had asked for. This changed nothing, but she hoped that Nicki would remain unscathed.

The next morning, Beyoncé kissed Onika goodbye, holding onto her tighter than she usually would. She didn't want to leave her, to be alone again. But, her husband had told her that he would be back later. She couldn't have him asking why she wasn't at home, or worse, walking in on Beyoncé with his mistress.

Beyoncé was waiting for new clients to get back to her. There had been an influx since she had finished with Taraji. She was proud of that one - it was the perfect home. She was jealous of Taraji and the way her home was just for her - no husband, no kids, not even a dog to consider.

She wondered about designing a home for Nicki and how the both of their would look together - Nickis art on the walls, some pink accents in the rooms. Beyoncé's favourite colour would match quite nicely with Onikas. She imagined an art studio just for Nicki to paint and the rooms they would share like the bedroom and living space.

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