Chapter 4: A Love's Intervention

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“Sapphire!” An unknown voice calls out.

In the darkest hour, a beam of hope shines through. Amber, my caring girlfriend, and her talking pet baby unicorn, Amethyst, rush to my aid. They were some of the few students who survived. Drawing upon the magic of her Serenity Stone, Amber transforms into a fairy princess-like figure, Serenity Jewel.

“Amber! Amethyst! Oh, good thing you're here. I think if we combine our powers, Bazrathon will be defeated,” I said to them.

“It's worth a shot,” Jasper responded.

“Let's do it,” Amethyst agreed.

I shouted, “Come at us, Bazrathon! Prepare to meet your end!”

"FAIRY... DRAGON... RAGE!!!!!!"

Together, her ethereal magic and my electrifying powers unleash a devastating attack upon Bazrathon, obliterating him and restoring life to the fallen students, saving the academy.

“Now the school is saved and everybody is resurrected,” Amber said.

“We did it,” I said back.

However, the toll of the battle proves too great for me. My body collapses under the weight of my injuries.

“Aahh! It hurts!” I cried out in pain.

“Sapphire, are you OK?” Amethyst asked.

“I don't think so. I think I might be hurt real bad,” I responded, with tears flowing down my face.

“This doesn't look good. We gotta help him,” Jasper replied.

“I got something in mind coming for him,” said Amber, as she came up with an idea. Amethyst picked me up on her back and we all ran outside. In the school courtyard, Amber, Amethyst, and Jasper rally around me, creating a magical healing bed infused with a delightful sugary scent. The smell of confectionaries like marshmallows, milkshakes, donuts, strawberry shortcake, chocolate ice cream, and candy bars are very comforting to me, and this bed I'm lying on reminds me of all those things.

“Let this bed heal your wounds.”

The enchantment of the bed restores my vitality, bringing me back from the brink of death.

I let out a huge sigh of relief as I breathed in the smell of the bed. It smelled like cotton candy, and it was both very sweet and oh-so soothing. “That feels good. I really am glad to have all of you here to help me out during times like this.”

“That's the magic of our undying love for each other,” Amber responded. She then leaned in close, lips puckered up, and we both shared a kiss.

Sapphire Blueridge: The Legend of Cobalt Star Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora