Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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My name is Sapphire Blueridge, and I have just enrolled in Junior Slayer Academy. It is a prestigious high school where students learn the art of slaying demons and supernatural monsters. As a 19-year-old student, I am eager to embark on this thrilling journey and fulfill my destiny as a demon slayer.

Sitting in the classroom, I find my mind wandering, reminiscing about my mysterious past. There are whispers in my soul, faint echoes of a life long gone. I believe I was once a prince from space, but my tragic end still eludes me. I find myself looking out the window until my teacher, Professor Kael, catches my attention as he walks up to my desk and pats on my head with his clipboard.

“Mr. Blueridge, is something wrong?” He asks.

“Hmm? No, I'm fine,” I responded, trying to mask how I'm really feeling.

“Let me know if something's bothering you and I'll be able to help. Have a safe journey home.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.”

When the final bell rings, dismissing my fellow classmates, I decide to clear my head by visiting the local park.

"Maybe some music will help settle my brain down."

With my trusted guitar in hand, I seated myself in a nearby bench, started strumming the strings and sing my favorite song, "A Thousand Cherry Blossoms."

🎶 Senbonzakura yoru ni magire, kimi no koe todokanai yo
Koko wa utage hagane no ori, sono dantoudai de mioroshite
Sanzen sekai tokoyo no yami, nageku uta mo kikoenai yo
Seiran no sora haruka kanata, sono kousenjuu de uchinuite!🎶

As the melody fills the air, visions of my past life dance before my eyes, urging me to uncover the truth of the prince's demise.

“What exactly happened? How was my previous life so horribly stolen from me? I have to get to the bottom of this,” I said.

Packing up my guitar, I return home to find Jasper, my talking pet baby dragon, eagerly awaiting my arrival. Jasper presents me with a remarkable artifact called the Legendary Cobalt Crystal. Its glowing blue hue holds immense power, a key to unlocking my true potential. He enlightens me about the prince and my slaughtered family, victims of a ruthless demon king who surpassed the might of any mythical creature.

“This Cobalt Crystal holds powers beyond explanation. It was all that remained from the prince before he and his family was murdered by an incredibly powerful demon king, triggering an awful war in space that took the lives of other people until the kingdom was completely uninhabitable. That's all I know, unfortunately. We'll have to find out more tomorrow,” said Jasper.

Sapphire Blueridge: The Legend of Cobalt Star Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant