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Haseena screamed in her sleep and got up with a jerk. She wasbreathing heavily and sweating profusely. She looked all around her, she was still in that dark beautiful room , she looked at herself ,she had slept in the sitting position waiting for her partner. "It was adream" she mumbled and took a sigh of relief that whatever shethought was just her dream not the reality. Then she looked aroundonce again , but there where no signs of Karishma anywhere."Where is she?" She thought to herself. She had not seen her afterthey reached the Mansion . She glanced at the clock , it was 3:00 inthe morning.

She slowly stepped out of bed and then the room , it was all astrange place for her , the mansion was completely unknown to her.She loved how beautiful it was , except the room she was in ,because that kind of scared her. She walked through the gallery ofthe 2nd floor and then her eyes witnessed a surprising seen , whichshe had never in her wildest dreams had thought to see. She sawthe door of santu's room open and inside santu was sleepingkeeping her head in karishma's lap while Karishma was caressingher hairs lovingly. She was sound asleep. A faint smile appeard onher lips as she just discovered that , the most arrogant and rudeperson she has ever seen also loves somebody.

She saw Karishma slowly got up without disturbing her , carefullycovered her with duvet and kissed her forehead and was about toturn...Haseena turned to go back before she notices her but..

"Aae ruko" a stern rude voice stopped her legs. She closed hereyes "shit!" She mumbled under her breath and slowly turned backto meet the furious eyes of the latter. Karishma quickly walkedthrough the corridor and reached infront of the latter , "tum..?" she said.

Great! She doesn't even know my name.

Haseena thought and said "Haseena , Haseena naam h mera" .Karishma shook her head and said "wahi jo bhi h , yaha kya kerrahi ho?" She asked sternly. "Vo..vo main " Haseena fumbled andtook a pause and then quickly said "ha vo main neend main chalrahi thi , sleep walking . " Karishma gave a confusing look andasked "kya?" . "Ha" Haseena slowly said. Karishma suddenly cameclose to her and her back touched the wall , she gasped , Karishmakept her one hand on the wall behind and coming closer to her faceasked " ab neend udi?". Haseena just nodded slowly , wordsrefused to come out of her mouth. Karishma moved a little backand looked at the girl with closed eyes infront of her, she rudelysaid "jao" . Haseena opened her one eye to look at her and afterfinding her standing away , she opened her eyes and almost ran tothe room. Karishma just shook her head in disbelief, stillmaintaining the rude look on her face."Time for dinner" Krish mumbled and went away.


Haseena came back to the room , trying to forget her encounterwith the person few seconds back. She quitely lied down on thebed and her mind took her to the day when for the first time shehad met miss-arrogant-rude.

Haseena along with her friends had went to an exhibition. As shewas really a lover of paintings. She loved to do painting andwhenever she saw a painting with real excellence she couldn't holdherself back and always wanted to learn the art.

All of them were roaming around inthe exhibition looking at thebeautiful paintings when a section of paintings attracted Haseena'sattention , "wow!" She exclaimed and looked at each one of themcarefully and passionately. On looking closely she found all of themwere of the same artist. She saw real perfection and excellence inthose piece od works. It was something Haseena always wanted tolearn. She went to the reception and asked about the artist whopainted it , at first the lady at the desk declined her but onrequesting much she finally gave her the address of the artist.

Haseena happily took it and saw , the place was located in thewoods between two mountains. Nobody generally went there.Although it was a beautiful forest but people of the locality said thatat night , blood thirsty vampires roamed at that place sucking theblood of every human passing by. Haseena didn't believe in thismythology theory . So she somehow convinced two of her friends toaccompany her to the given address.

When they reached there it was almost dark. They saw some lightcoming from a wooden house , it was supposed to be the artistshouse. Her friends were too scared to go inside so they decided towait for her outside. Haseena knocked the door , and heard thesound of floor cracking , and some footsteps. Cold winds and thesound of the trees ruffling , was really scary , when the door openedher eyes met the eyes of the person infront of her.

"Hi! I am Haseena , actually..." She was interrupted by the personstanding opposite to her. "What do you want?" , Haseena felt itreally rude but she again said politely "i wanted to learn paintingfrom you , please could you teach me?" She looked at the personwith wonder waiting eyes"no" the person replied plainly and wentinside Haseena followed her inside and said "please , hume sikhadijiye , i really wanna learn your skills , please "

"I said no , now you can leave" the person again replied rudely. "Please hum kuch bhi karange , hume yeh art sikhna h , i really wantto learn it , please" Haseena pleaded. The person suddenly startedcoming close to her "did you say kuch bhi?" Her voice was husky."I...i" Haseena fumbled and starting taking her steps back , theperson began opening her shirt buttons, "what are you doing"Haseena said nervously, soon her back collided with the wall , andthe person came really close to her , encaging her between herarms and the wall the person said "spend a night with me and I'llgive you what you want". "You are disgusting " Haseena said andpushed her a little and went out.

I know i killed all of yours excitement 😂

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