04 - Next destination: Commitment

Start from the beginning

It was a pretty place, he couldn't lie. And still, he felt horribly wrong to even stand in here.


"Hm?" the said boy snapped out of his thoughts and faced San who was smiling weakly and looked at him expectantly.

"Is it weird for you?"

"Is what weird for me?" he asked a little dumbfounded.

San chuckled weakly. "The fact that this is your new home."

Wooyoung exhaled, a little too harsh because it sounded like a huff, and glanced behind San to look at the living room area. He rubbed his nape and smiled. "To be completely honest... Yeah."

"I thought so. It must feel very... new. Maybe even strange. But you'll get used to it," San said, "Let me show you around, you might actually end up liking it here."

"I didn't say that I hate it."

"Yes, but you didn't say that you like it either."

Wooyoung laughed at that. San spoke no lies. A hand found its way to the dancer's back, only a light and polite touch to signalize Wooyoung they'd start moving , and he didn't know if he was ready for that. He wanted to stand there a little longer, just until it would hit him fully.

They walked towards the kitchen and Yunho greeted them with smiling eyes. His cheeks were filled to a point in which he couldn't speak and Wooyoung couldn't help but compare the view with a squirrel. San grabbed one of the empty glasses and filled it with water before pushing it in front of Wooyoung, the latter thanking him with a weak nod.

"Yunho may be my bodyguard," San started and kept his eyes on Yunho who had his cheeks stuffed, "but he is also my friend. So no, I do not have a problem with him emptying my fridge."

The bodyguard laughed while covering his mouth with his hands. San must've noticed Wooyoung's slight confusion and not being able to tell if this was normal, considering how polite and professional they had talked and treated each other ever since he knew them. Yunho being San's friend explained this though, and he figured that even if they weren't friends, a boss should always make sure to provide water and food for his bodyguards. Maybe not in the way Yunho takes advantage of it, but still.

"You don't need to stay until they're here, you're off for today. I'll take Wooyoung home — Uh, to his still home."

Until who is here? Wooyoung felt curious and a little upset at the fact he was the last to find out what was still going to happen on that day but he brushed it off. He knew San would still tell him and that was exactly what he did after Yunho wished both of them a good day.

"I invited a small newcomer designer to come over today. He'll introduce us to his first collection of suits. Our marriage may not be for traditional reasons but I'm sure you don't want to marry in ordinary clothing, right?" San laughed and Wooyoung nodded, a short laugh passing his lips as well. "In addition, we can support him! He seemed to be very excited, at least that's what Mingi told me when he talked to him."

At that moment Wooyoung realized that San wasn't a bad person. Not that he thought he was, but he didn't consider him a good person either. Not until now. Yes, he had offered Wooyoung to pay his debts and his dance classes, but that was based on a deal. Taking and giving. He couldn't read out of that action if San did that because he pitied him, felt obligated as it was part of the deal or because he was simply kind. Wooyoung obviously knew it was the second option, however, now he felt like the third option played some part in it too.

A newcomer designer meant: Cheaper clothing, way cheaper.

Wooyoung didn't know what it was that he liked most about this. The fact that he rather chose a pretty unknown designer with intentions of supporting him or the fact that San took into consideration that Wooyoung would feel uncomfortable wearing expensive clothing. And even if he didn't even think that far, Wooyoung still felt thankful.

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