"I'll explain later." Eight replied and walked towards El Señor's office again.

"Damn, she's got the guts to walk to that room." Lucas said as he watched Eight walk away from the group, the guard following right behind her.

Jeno placed his hands in his pocket as a smirk formed in his lips. "Of course. She's Sueño." Then he followed behind Eight.

Meanwhile, Jaehyun jogged towards Eight and walked beside her.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Jaehyun asked, his eyes on her.

Bad. I want to throw up. I'm meeting the man who took advantage of me when I was twelve.

Eight thought.

But only "Good." escaped her lips.

"I'm quite nervous to be honest. I don't know what's coming. Lucas and Mia, even the whole group, did not say anything to me." Jaehyun took a deep breath and exhaled.

"You'll do good." Eight quietly replied, almost like a whisper, and gave him a small smile.

"Did Sueño tell you anything that will happen?" Jaehyun asked.

Eight shook her head. "Just that it's different for every member. So, they couldn't really give me an idea."

Jaehyun hummed in response and the two finally reached El Señor's black door. The guard knocked 3 times in a slow manner.

A code.

Eight thought.

It wasn't how a usual person would knock. El Señor must've given then a knocking pattern depending on their position in the house. For the guards, it was 3 slow knocks.

The door suddenly opened my itself.

"Oh, high tech." Jaehyun mumbled beside Eight. She wanted to chuckle beside him. He looked so innocent.

Eight looked behind and saw the 2 members of Sueño and Genio standing 2 feet away from the door. "Aren't you going with us?"

"Old members don't join recruits in initiation meetings. The Señor prefers to meet them personally without the bias of the other members." The guard suddenly spoke, answering the question.

Jaehyun and Eight nodded. Jaehyun stepped inside first. When Eight was about to step inside, a hand grabbed her from behind. She instantly knew who it belonged.

"Jeno, I'm ready." She whispered as she looked back.

"I know. Just be careful and answer honestly. Tell the Señor everything that you told me." Jeno reminded her one last time before he finally let go of her.

Be careful, Eight. Please be careful.

Jeno thought to himself as he watched Eight enter the black door.

A spacious room greeted Jaehyun and Eight when they entered the office. The whole room was painted in black and gold. The golden phoenix was carved in every corner of the room.

They walked in a black carpeted floor. A man was sitting on a golden chair across the room. He was not seen as his chair was facing towards the glass window that revealed the entirety of the city. Behind him was Jaehyun and Eight.

But the two exactly knew who he was.

The only man Eight and Jaehyun condemns every morning, afternoon, and night.

El Señor.

His chair suddenly turned around revealing him and his white and almost-gone hair, his white polo tucked in black trousers. His belt caught Eight's attention. Carved into his belt are three letters.


"Do you guys know anything about the new godfather?" Eight asked and pulled out one side of her earphone.

"Nothing. Just that he's a douche who forced 7 year old kids to kill." Jaemin angrily blurted out.

"Well, he goes by JTH. That's all we know." Mark said.

Eight wanted to run to him and slide the knife hidden in her boots on his throat. But she can't as 10 guards with the same golden phoenix logo on their chests were beside him.

We meet again, you fucking bitch. Eight thought.

I finally met the leader of this damn organization. I'm going to kill you in front of your children. They're going to feel the pain of losing a father. Jaehyun spoke in his head.

Eight ; Lee JenoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin