Chapter 9: The Battle in London

Start from the beginning

He wore his old black knight armour, his large, gold handle sword at his side, a black and red shredded cape fluttering behind him and his hair, loose and wild. 

She watched everyone shrink into such fear and panic, all they could do was try to open fire, of which this did nothing, wave upon wave of these dead beings emerged and began to sweep the entire city as well as cutting down all of those in the sky.

One of the most pleasing sights was that of Maxwell, who was in a glass box, of which he thought he was safe...but Anderson put an end to that. 
He shattered the glass, and offered him to the monsters, for he had greatly sinned against God and needed to pay for it. 
All his cries and begging for help and mercy fell upon deaf ears. 

After a while, Ana stopped her killing spree and flew back to stand behind him, surrounding them were several hundred bloodied spikes, with the bodies of their enemies skewed into them. 

"You're still here?" he asked her.
"How could I not my Master" she replied. 

Ana then walked to stand beside him. Then suddenly Integra appeared and stood before them.
Alucard got down on one knee before her and bowed his head, seeing this Ana remained standing with her arms folded.  

"My Count, you have returned"
"At your pleasure, my Lady" he replied and lifted his head.

Suddenly Seras appeared. 

"Hi, it's really nice to have you back Master, you seem to have grown a moustache Master" Seras playfully said pointing to her upper lip.

Alucard got to his feet and  lightly smiled and he rubbed her head like a child. 

"Yes Seras, my Seras Victoria" he smiled. 

Suddenly the reunion was interrupted as Anderson blazed onto the scene, Ana wisped Integra and Seras back several feet to a safe distance. Watching the battle between them unfurl. 

Their powers were well matched...till a point, Alucard transformed into his modern form with his guns drawn and firing at Anderson. 
The  same mad expression on his face filled with enjoyment, that was until he summoned all those he absorbed to take Anderson down. 

"I am more than prepared to destroy you you monster, no matter the odds before me!" Anderson grunted and coughed blood.

One arm was missing and he was panting on the ground on one knee. 

"Youre bruiosed and bleeding, your arm is hanging by a few strands of meat, what will you do, will you die like a dog, or on your feet like a man"
"Shut up and come at me, hurry- hurry!" Anderson demanded. 

He then bit down on his arm to hold it up, using it as a weapon as he charged and sliced his way through the never-ending arm Alucard had before him. 

"Humans are such fascinating creatures" Alucard smiled. 

To say the least it was amusing, Anderson was a very familiar being, much like those who attempted to kill Alucard in the past. 

The final blow was about to be served, the beings of Alucards Army emerged with spears ready to stab Anderson, but just before reaching him, bullets suddenly fired, striking them off course. 

"Hmm" Ana said in amusement. 
"Damn it- I said leave!" Anderson screamed. 

It would appear that the other members of Isaciot had come to join the fight. 

"This will be amusing" Ana smiled and stood before Seras and Integra, just in case. 

The religious believers then began their charge against Alucard. 
Many of which were armed with bombs that they used in hopes of demolishing most of the enemy, it was to say the least partially impressive as Anderson had managed to reach Alucard.

"I have to say I'm impressed, show me more, Alexander Andersson!" Alucard demanded. 

With the same determined expression on his face, Anderson pulled out what appeared to be a block of wood wrapped in gauze. 

"You're not the only one who carries a mighty  weapon Vampire" he threatened. 
"So is this the toy that's going to defeat me?" Alucard scoffed. 

Anderson shattered the wood in the palm of his good hand, and from is revealed a very old jagged nail. 

"A nail?" Alucard responded, unimpressed or amused. 
"Should I assume you are threatening me with the last of one of the holy artifacts of Rome?" Alucard asked. 
"Oh yes" Anderson sternly replied. 
"It still smells of blood and miracle, the nail of Helena" Alucard analysed.

Holding the long nail like a dagger, Anderson turned it in his hand, ready to stab himself. 

"Anderson stop it! Do you know what that thing will do to you?! You'll become one of Gods monsters! Maintain your humanity don't succumb to power! Either side it amounts to the same deal- whether in the name of the divine or the demonic you're still a monster in the end. Do you intend to use that scrap of miracle, to become a scrap of miracle yourself? This duel between us, would you really push it this far, into the realms that lie beyond mortal life, a monster such as myself, a creature of such weakness I could not bare the weight of a human life. if I am to be defeated, it must be by a human" Alucard spoke, it felt heartfelt. 

"Don't do it human, don't become a monster...a monster like me" Alucard pleaded. 

Ana's heart felt heavy, she knew the pain Alucard was carrying, she was there when it happened. When his heart was shattered, she saw how what little humanity he had left was ripped from him, and how much he had been hurting since. 

"I want nothing but to be a bayonet, a bayonet wielded by the hand of God, I would have been happy to have been born a storm or a divine threat, a mighty explosion or even a mighty hurricane, a divine force of nature, without even a heart or pity. And if this relic can transform me into such a thing, then i am happy to abandon my humanity" he simply spoke.

With that he fell to his knees and stabbed himself in the heart with no hesitation. 

"You fool!" Alucard spat.

Armed with his gun and in rage he walked towards Anderson and aimed hi gun.

"You bloody fool!" he screamed. 

Anderson swiped at him, taking his head off exchanged by Alucard who shot him clear in the face. 
Alucard was a mist and Anderson face was now made of thorny vines. 

"His body is no longer that of a man, the only way either of us may return to dust, is to have it gouged out of us, the sickness in our hearts"

"Anderson!" his warriors called out.

They were mortified at this sight, he was now a monster, just as Alucard said. But little had changed, in the sense being that Alucard was still able to fight and recover, but Anderson was also able to do this. 

His speed increased along with the intensity of his attacks and power.
So much so he was able to wrap the thorns around Alucards neck, setting him ablaze in a roaring red and orange fire. 

"Master!" Seras and Ana screamed. 

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