Chapter 5

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( another note... i know..- Very well aware that Nnoitra dies by Kenpachi.. but he doesnt in the story.. gets defeated and knocked out cold from blood lost, but doesnt die.. and i know that Ulquiorra dies as well and turns to ashes or whatnot but im changing it up and well you will see... and a small warning... Nnoitra being a dick fuck with dick talking and such )

              I tightened my fists as i turned my attention towards Nnoitra, " Attacking someone who is in a weakened state, pathetic. Do you not have any fucking balls?" Ichigo steps in front of me, " Enough. You are going to get yourself killed." He turns his attention towards Nnoitra, " Leave him alone. He is defenseless and unable to fight anymore... " Aiming his blade at him.

             Nnoitra smirks, snapping Ichigo's wrist that was holding his blade with. He kicks him, sending him flying and smashing into a large boulder. "Tesla. Finish him off." Looking over at the blond boy as i charged after him, " Not if i can help it." Raising my hands up. Nnoitra appears behind me as my wrists were bound by one of his hands as his other hand wraps around my throat. Hissing out at how tight he is holding me, " Bastard. I knew you were cruel, but doing something like this is far beneath you." Choking out my words as i was spun around. He raised my arms above my head, forcing my chest to press against him as he leans in close, " We have had our little encounters but that doesn't mean you know who i am and how i fight. Mind your tongue before i tear it out of that pretty little mouth of yours." A sharp glare forms on my features as i spit in his face. He glares, slamming his forehead against mine, tossing me down to the ground, sitting on my hips. He leans in close, " Do that again and I'll make you choke on my cock." Punching me hard in my face. " Get off the woman and face me, your partner is done for." Nnoitra's eye widened. He must not have realized that his fraccion died due to me distracting him. I looked over spotting Kenpachi Zaraki. ' Thank God he is here. I know how strong that man is.' Thinking to myself as Nnoitra stands up taking his weapon.
             I crawled over to Ichigo and stared at him as Orihime was healing him. " Ichi.. Are you alright?" Shaking my head, " Stupid question sorry i asked." Ichigo's eyes traveled to me before smiling" Actually, i am fine. You look like shit though, you have bruises around your throat, and your wrists are all bloody and shit. Orihime, make sure to heal her as well." I shook my head " No, i'm fine. " Smiling innocently before falling forwards, " Just, tired honestly." I could still feel his eyes on me, " Orihime told me what they did to you. I'll make them pay for it." Looking up at her before looking away, " She wasn't supposed to tell you. I didn't want you to worry or be angry and get distracted or whatnot." Ichigo sat up glaring, " Dammit Jasmine! You have to stop that. You are my sister. First the whole Aizen thing, now this." I shook my head, looking away from him, " I.." I got cut off as an enormous spiritual pressure erupts from Nnoitra. I turned my head towards him as he was now in his resurreccion state. " Kenpachi. Come on, hang in there." Slowly standing to my feet as Orihime finished healing up Ichigo with him standing up to his feet.
             The fight between them was now over. I slipped over to Nnoitra, staring down at him as he stared up at me. I watched as his eye slowly closed shut. I turned around coming face to face with an Espada. " Ah!" Startled greatly at that as he wrapped an arm around me and vanished off appearing before Orihime doing the same to her, " Jasmine! Orihime!" Hearing Ichigo scream out as he and Kenpachi charge at the Espada. They were too late as he vanished off once more with us.
               The Espada appears in one of the many rooms here. The look in his eyes was different from the rest. I can't be sure cause I'm not that man or whatnot, but i have a feeling he didn't want to do it. Mentally shaking my head as he leaves. I glanced over at Orihime to make sure she was alright before feeling eyes on me, i glanced over, spotting Aizen and Gin about ready to head out to Karakura town, " i have no more use for you Orihime. " He turns around facing me, " But you." Vanishing off and appearing before me, " Your power could be useful to me." Like hell, this guy is a major powerhouse, he doesn't need my power, " I won't use it for you, haven't you figured it out yet." Aizen's eyes narrowed at that before smirking, " We'll see... until then" he turns but i take his hand before he was able to leave, " Tell me the real reason why I am here Aizen, stop giving me made up shit and run arounds. Come clean with me. " Aizen's gaze rests on my eyes, soaking up the blue in them, " You'll know in time. " Removing his hand from my hold, slipping back over to Gin, " Open it up and let's go."
                Orihime slipped her hand into mine, giving it a small squeeze. I looked down at her, studying her eyes, "I told you what he did to me. I have a feeling about what he wants. Let's hope that Ichigo can take me away from here or at least defeat that bastard." She stares right back into mine before looking down, " What did they do to you Orihime?" It caused her to look back up at me, " Nothing compared to you." She didn't have to state it, it was written all over her face. I don't know why i even asked her that question. I don't like to see the look of pain in people's eyes. "i won't allow anyone to harm you again, Orihime. You have my word, I'll die for you before i let that happen." She was about to say something but stopped, she also sensed it. Glancing behind us as my eyes slightly widened, " Ulquiorra." Turning towards him as i stepped in front of Orihime, " I haven't been given orders to kill her yet, there isn't a need to shield her from me, girl." I still wasn't moving from her as i eyed him, " Then what you want?" He approached more as his fingers fell upon my chest, " To know what this 'heart' is that woman behind you keeps talking about. If i smash your skull open will it be there, if i tear open your chest would i find it there." Frowning at that as i took his hand and placed it over my heart area. " You feel that?" His eyes rest on mine before they travel down to our contact. " Yes. That rapid thumping just behind your breast. Is that your heart?" Looking at him in the eyes before i released my hold on him, " Yes." A crash from behind caused our eyes to travel over, " Ichigo." Muttering out as i turned towards Orihime, taking her hand and pulling her to the side, knowing what is about to happen, another fight.
                 I stared intensely at Ulquiorra's final form. He has his hand right through Ichigo as i cried out, tears pouring down my face. " Ichigo!!!" Orihime and I yelled out at the same time, running towards his location. Orihime uses her power and instantly tries to heal him. I sunk to my knees, " N-No.. Ichigo.. d-don't die.. please come back." Uryu slips up from behind us guarding us from Ulquiorra, " I'll distract him, just focus on him." I stared blankly into space hearing what Uryu said. Managing to pull myself together as i shook my head, standing to my feet and standing next to Uryu, " Get me a good opening, I'll end him." His eyes rest on me before nodding, attacking Ulquiorra.
            Uryu has him distracted, badly wounded and is about to be finished off, but he is distracted. I slipped up quickly, using the speed that Yoruichi helped me achieve, but it was no use. Right before i was about to place my hand upon him, he turned around and caught my wrists. His claws digging into my wounds the gloves gave me, " I knew what your plan was all along, woman." Frowning, staring into his eyes but before i was able to say anything, a huge amount of spiritual energy or whatnot erupts from nowhere. Our eyes traveled over as Ichigo was now on his feet, but in a different form. A fully Hollowfied form. "I-Ichigo?" Ulquiorra released his hold on my wrists as he turned towards him, "Impossible."
               My eyes widened as i stared at a fully Hollowfied Ichigo. " No, Ichigo." Shaking my head as i moved away and over to Uryu to make sure he is alright. "Uryu." Catching his attention, but Hollowfied Ichigo appears and wraps his hand around my throat and begins squeezing. I cried out, tears pricked my eyes as i was lifted up into the air, " I-I-Ichi-go!" Uryu stands and charges at him to try and get him off of me as he slams his sword into Uryu. The air was fading away from my lungs as i tried to get more in, it was no use though. He has an iron grip, closing the entrances to my lungs. Ulquiorra appears and slashes at Hollowfied Ichigo, forcing him to drop me. He catches me in his arms vanishing off and appearing elsewhere. He sets me down, " Aizen still needs you alive. Stay here." Appearing before him and continuing the battle.
            Hollowfied Ichigo had Ulquiorra in his grasp about ready to tear him apart before Ulquiorra slashes upwards and cuts off a horn. It caused the entire mask to shatter off of Ichigo. He lands and leaps backwards just in case, " Ulquiorra, please." Grasping his hand, he looks over at me, " Stop, just let him take her. Aizen doesn't have any use for her anymore, what's the harm in him taking her. He only wants me here so I'll stay, just let him take her and go back home." He stares at me intensely before yanking his hand free and turning away, " Very well." Lifting me into his arms and vanishing off.
            His hand was wrapped tightly around my wrist as he drags me down the halls, " Keep your word and i won't kill him." Looking at him as he spoke those words, entering a room. Everything was so dark there, i couldn't make out who or what was in there. " Where did you take me?" Questioning him as i watched him approach a table. I noticed someone laying on it as i approached, " Grimmjow?" Ulquiorra's eyes traveled up to mine before pointing to the table behind him, " And Nnoitra. I retrieved them seeing as they are still alive, just healing right now." Looking behind him at Nnoitra as i wrapped my arms around my form. A deep frown rests on my lips, ' i thought for sure Nnoitra died. This isn't good.' Thinking to myself.

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