Chapter 1

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 ( Note to begin with- Don't judge me please. There is no reason to judge. If you don't like what you are reading, just exit off and move on with your life, not a big deal and not hard to do. At the beginning i did a small introduction to me .... you will know when it's present time with " " come into play .. anyways on with the story :) )

                 I never thought of myself as 'human'. Being born with a monstrous power that kills people. I always thought of myself as a monster. I had accidentally killed my parents when i was just a baby. Growing up, learning about my gift and what i had done, i kept to myself and far away from others. The other orphans looked down on me and called me a loser because i kept to myself, an outcast. They can believe what they wish, they should be grateful that I didn't unleash my hellish power upon them. Over the years, I got fed up with it all and decided to leave, to live on the streets and become homeless. I came across the Kurosaki family when i was 11 years old. Isshin and Masaki took me in and raised me as one of their own. They asked me questions and such to get to know me. I was hesitant to answer, but eventually gave in, they took me in after all. They learned about my gift and got in touch with Kisuke Urahara. Not wanting me to fear my own gift and wanting me to be able to touch someone, they asked him to make me something that can help in that department. Kisuke had to study me for some time but he managed to come up with some gloves that i could wear so when i touch something, the thing doesn't instantly die.
                       When Masaki died, a part of me died alongside her. I never got to know my mother, so Masaki was my mother. Ichigo and I developed a very close bond after the death of her. I had already considered him to be my little brother, i took care of him when needed, there for him when he needed someone, even when he didn't need anyone. I was always there for him no matter what. I helped him raise Yuzu and Karin alongside Isshin. I may not have been blood related, but they still considered me their older sister, it was nice, having a family.
                  The night that Rukia Kuchiki came into our lives changed everything. Nothing has been the same and things have become a lot clearer to me. I had been coming home from Kisukes when i had witnessed Ichigo slicing off the arm of a huge ass beast. Learning about Hollows, Soul Reapers, The Soul Society. A lot to take in, but it all made sense. You could say i am a believer in the supernatural, I'm freaky like that i suppose. Then in steps the others, Orihime, Uryu, and Sado, or well apparently people call him Chad. Orihime, the girl who has intense feelings for Ichigo, develops powers of her own. Through various combinations of her hair pin things she keeps in her hair, she has the power to reject phenomena by denying or undoing events in various forms. Depending on the combination, she can use them to attack, defend, or to heal. Chad, hmm, he is a little harder to understand. For me that is, but umm well.. screw it, he's a power house badass. Uryu, the Quincy. The Soul Reaper hater. No reasoning with this guy, i swear there isn't. He reminds me a little bit of Ichigo. Not wanting to be a burden, i decided to train myself. Learn how to control my power for starters, learn how to fight and such. Just all in all becoming someone who isn't useless. I wanted to be useful and to be able to take care of myself. Not saying i can't fight, i can fight a little, when i had to defend myself when I lived on the streets. Kisuke was a big help in that department, teaching me control, helping me overcome my power. Starting off slow when it comes to the hand to hand combat, but quickly picked up the pace when he saw i got the hang of it and was becoming stronger. He even taught me how to use a sword just in case a situation calls for it, with my luck, it probably will call for it. I owe this man so much, even though he says to not worry about it.

                 Staring up at the sky as the rain pelts my face, drenched from head to toe, but i didn't care. I had just learned the news that Rukia was being sentenced to death. Pondering if i should continue training or just let it go and obey what she said to Ichigo and I that night. A part of me was wanting to help and disobey her orders to us and it was overpowering the other part of me. The part of me that just wants to let it go. I'm not saying i don't care for Rukia, i do. She is a great gal. Beautiful inside and out, has her bitchy moments, but that's a woman for you. No one is perfect. " Jasmine." Hearing my name being called from behind me as i turned around, facing the person. " Come inside. You'll catch a cold." Ichigo, always looking after me just like i do for him. " What do we do, Ichigo. I care for her. I'm having a conflicted battle with myself right now. I want to help but i also want to respect her wishes and don't try and save her." Ichigo slips up beside me, wrapping a rain coat around my shoulders and raising up the hood, " We do what is right. Go after her and save her. I need you on this Jasmine, help me get her back. Help me save her. Go to the Soul Society with me, save her with me. Don't be scared of using your gift, it will come in handy. Kisuke has trained you in hand to hand combat, plus trained you in using swords. Help me." Taking my shoulders and turning me towards him. He stares into my eyes, his facial expression was scary serious. I give a soft smile before i nod, " You're right. I don't know what i was thinking, of course i will help her. It's the right thing to do."
                      Kisuke opens up the Senkaimon, the gateway thing that leads to the Soul Society. I give him one final look before i leap in after Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, Uryu, and Yoruichi. Rushing through this place, I suddenly get a strong bad feeling. I couldn't help but turn my head to look behind me as I was running and notice a large ass thing plowing behind us, " Oh my God. Run faster guys, don't stop now!" Yoruichi glanced over in my location before glancing behind as well, " Just our luck. It just happens today is the day they decide to clean this place. Pick up the pace everyone and whatever you do, don't use any of your spiritual power on it." Just like that, Orihime decides to turn around and use her hair clip things and creates a shield-like thing.
Staring down at my feet, taking in deep heavy breaths. We managed to get out of that place in one piece thanks to Orihime. She in return got clawed by Yoruichi. If it wasn't for her though, we all might not have made it out of there. No matter, we are here, alive and well. Ready to take action into saving Rukia's life. " I'm coming, Rukia." My eyes trailing up before I raised a brow, " Alright, where is everyone?" Ichigo looks around as well, " Yeah, i was expecting something at least but this place is a dead zone. " Yoruichi jumps up and lands on my shoulder, " This is the Rukon District." Going on to explain it, but something wasn't right with this. " Do you hear that?" Questioning everyone suddenly as i glanced over as soon as Ichigo gets barreled down, " The fuck?" Swearing out. A large ass pig looking thing comes out of nowhere and attacks Ichigo, " Well shit, you alright." Standing Ichigo up as he dusts himself off, " Yeah, I'm fine. Just who the hell is this guy?" Turning my gaze to meet a ugly fucker.
                       Ganju is the name of that fucker. Strong hatred for Soul Reapers. He picked a fight with Ichigo, then just left like a cowered. " Ichigo, we don't have the time for this. Get your ass up and let's go. If i have to toss you over my shoulder and carry you out of this place, you will be sorry." Ichigo crossed his arms, sitting there with his back towards me, " I'm not leaving until him and I settle things." I sucker punch him, " Stop being stupid! Rukia is being sentenced to death and you wanna act childish. Get your ass up now, I'm not repeating myself again!"  

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