Chapter 12

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Anchal pov :

The stars shimmering in its own glory while the moon being at its peak glory is radiating off its supremacy all over the entire place.

No-no I am not in any rocket space or with my Not so dearest hubby but actually I was standing on our home terrace having a slow yet vivid glance at the beautiful view of the sky.

The stars are forming a pattern along in their alignment and the moon being in its full glow is the centre of attraction for each of the selenophile out there and how beautiful and magnificent they looked together....All of them looked so so close to each other yet the irony of the reality lies in something else.

Just like my freaking married life!!

Married with your childhood sweetheart and your first love is something every girl would have always dreamt off in their life and having it fulfilled would really mean heaven for sure but then why don't I feel the same kind of ecstatic all over??

It feels like the celestial bodies are in a way providing me a transparent piece of mirror to my ever so beautiful marital life and show off the status that I am legally enjoying now as his wife.

So close yet so far..!!

Sometimes I feel like we were better off as friends because that was the time when he genuinely cared about Me, talked to me and...

I ended up getting the brightest star in the sky and although I know its values, I feel like I am a million miles away from it though we look so close and intimate from far.

I can feel its radiating glow and as much as I want to keep it secured in its all glory, it feels like it is just moving more away from me as if getting beyond my reach.


I was engraved in my thoughts when a sudden tap on my shoulder brought me out of my dreamland making me sigh. I knew I was again zoned out and the person who called me must have noticed it and now I was subjected to his or her infinite questions which I wanted to escape because I can't share this bitter truth of my life with anyone.

I am not sure who was the person who came over here because it is generally Naina dii who has a fantasy of moon just like me, And as per I had a view of Naina dii she was already off to her room because she was not in her best physical as well as mental state as per her health was concerned.

Then who is the one now ?

I turned around to notice palak standing over there with a questioning gaze plastered on to her face and with her headphones on. She might be listening to a song, probably a love song, dedicating it to her dear husband and enjoying her marriage blissfully so unlike me.

But honestly speaking I was happy that at least one of us was happy as owing to the fact that the relation between Aman bhaiya and Naina dii was not in the best terms as of now.

At least Palak is getting the life she would have dreamed off with the love of her life and I can't help but adore their bond of love.

May all evil eyes stay away from them!!

I gave her a small yet genuine smile but her questioning gaze on me made me forget it in one go.

Now I have to give answers of her non stopping question.

I opened my mouth to give her an odd excuse to her questioning gaze towards me as I myself was not sure how much authentic and truthful would it sound as it will come out to show off its presence but before I could open my stupid mouth she spoke before me,

"Kya hua dii?"

("What happened sister?")

She asked putting her headphones down looking at me with a normal expression.

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