"Fuck, it's hot in here!" Farleigh ran his hand across his forehead dismissively, reaching into one of the oak cupboards gingerly.

Once he'd acquired an unopened, un-spiked bottle of wine from God-knows where,  he proposed it to Lyssa, who eagerly accepted.

"Let's go outside," He offered his hand, which, due to the high capacity of people that had made any window or door to the outside world concealed making direction hard to navigate, she thought would be best to take.

"- Let's see if we can rekindle you and Felix's friendship, hm?" His American accent fell thickly within his pronunciations, making every sentence he said a dash more amusing to Lyssa.

His voice competed with the immersive base that felt earthquake-inducing - Lyssa concluded it was due to the expensive, high definition speakers that were tanked in various corners of each room.

She didn't bother responding, yet affirmed his idea by continuing to grip his hand as she trailed closely behind him through the mass of people.

A human maze.

She had only agreed to Farleigh's idea because fresh air sounded delectable compared to the perspiring cesspool of body odour, weed and sex that oxidised indoors the further the party ventured into the night.

"Oh shit, that's nice." He muttered as the refreshing breeze baptised their bodies, turning to her once he'd found a spacious area within the acres of greenery surrounding the property where they could move freely.

"So, where's the Prince?," Enveloping her arms against her chest, letting out an exasperated yet relieved sigh as she felt her skin purifying back to normal as they stood aimlessly - bathing in the breeze.

Farleigh peered the visible lengths of the garden, shrugging - "I'm not sure, let's find him."

"He went in there with India a few minutes ago," Venetia interjected, flicking the buildup of ash off of her cigarette, earning a soft scowl in her direction from Lyssa when it landed on her shoe.

"- But don't complain to me in the morning when you stumble in on something you won't like." She further insinuated, snatching the unopened wine from Lyssa's grip before she could contest, fucking off indoors.

Farleigh patted Lyssa on the back sympathetically, witnessing Venetia's petty approaches towards the girl since Lyssa had starting becoming friendly with him.

"I think she's just protective, she doesn't want another Felix and Eddy situation." He attempted to justify.

Lyssa had been informed by Farleigh of what had occurred last summer, and as disturbing as the story was, she still felt that it didn't equate to her bitter behaviour towards a girl she'd never even met.

"I'm nothing like that guy, though." Lyssa peeled one of her feathers adhered onto her shoulder that was already losing it's battle to the breeze, showing it mercy as she let it tumble to the floor.

"I know, she's just.. strange." Lowering his voice wearily to speak the last segment, he embraced Lyssa's hand once again, leading her towards the Labyrinth - Venetias directions.

"Let's see what we're walking into." Farleigh smirked impishly, Lyssa hot on his tail as they ventured carelessly into the colossal Labyrinth of perfectly-maintained, rectangular walls of evergreen that stretched into the foreseeable distance.

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