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Hi I'm BiancaWolf2 or you can call me by one of my many nicknames. This going to be a book about things I like and dislike, my OCs, my shippings(mainly anime.), my rambling and well just crazy insanity. I will probably be using script talk with my OC Bianca and my other OCs from my books. Feel free to ask us your questions and ask a bit about my interests. You can ask my OCs questions as well. For whoever reads this I only follow people I know in person or my friends know in person. You can ask for tidbits about upcoming chapters and ask about something that is bugging you about something that happened in a previous chapter. You might even get to see some of my unknown OCs that you haven't met. I may not update much but know thoughts are always running through my mind. Oh the questions can't be to personal okay, for safety reasons of coarse. If you heard I couldn't comment well now I can...stupid internet explorer now I use Firefox for wattpad. If it somehow gets a bit mature...I'm sorry...that's all I can say honestly. I may go a bit crazy and argue with myself and my OCs.

Luna: WITH REASON!!! and they will will come.

Luna: No you aren't getting rid of me that easily.

Bianca: Hoped I wouldn't start arguing until we had actual questions but I was to hopeful. *Sucks Luna into her magic book.* Wow silence.

Midnight, Darkus, Beth, Fennec, Ben, Sandy, Blizzard: Luna!!!

Note to self make someone mute.

Bianca: Sorry guys, you to Totem. *Sucks them into the book.* Right now that I can speak please ask, talk, read and all of that stuff. Before we get anymore interruptions....

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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