First Quidditch Match

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Hermione's POV

It's time for the first official quidditch match of the season. Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Like usual. Harry couldn't make it. As he has his first test today. But we did get a letter form the breeder. Seven pups were born. Four boys and three girls. We'll be meeting them in about five weeks to pick one out for Hagrid.

Anyway, as I go to take my seat to watch the match. I'm surprised to see Ron is here. "Ron, what a surprise" I say with a smile. "What brings you here?" I ask him.

"Come to watch the match" he states.

"But don't you have a test today too?" I ask him.

"Test?" he asks.

"Auror test" I state.

"Didn't Harry tell you?" he asks me surprised. "I quit auror training" he states.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep, I'm working with George now" he states.

"You seem happier" I state.

"I am, I guess being surrounded by laughter has helped clear my mind. Allowed me to think things through and realize what an idiot I've been" he states. "I'm sorry for shouting at you and what I said" he adds.

"It's ok, friends?" I ask.

"Friends" he says shaking hands.

"You should make up with Harry too" I tell him.

"I will, I thought he'd be here" he states.

"Like I said, he has an auror test today" I tell him.

"I'll owl him afterwards, see if he is up for a butter beer" he tells me. "I saw Fang earlier, he does not look good" he states.

"He doesn't, Harry and I are actually getting Hagrid a puppy for Christmas. It's a secret" I tell him.

"I'm sure he'll love it" he tells me. "You guys need help?" he asks.

"We're going to pick out a pup next Hogsmeade weekend. In five weeks, you can join us" I tell him. He nods his head.

"Hello! And welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor!" Dennis Creevey says. He introduces each team and it's members. Blaise and Ginny shake hands wishing each other a good came. Before mounting their brooms. "The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game!" he declares. As Madame Hooch stops next to the trunk holding the balls.

"Now, I want a nice, clean game from all of you!" she tells both teams. She releases the bludgers and snitch. Before bending down to get the quaffle.

"The bludgers have been released, followed by the golden snitch. Remember the only way to end a game is to catch the snitch, which is worth a hundred and fifty points. Bludgers meanwhile try to knock players off their brooms" Dennis explains. Madame Hooch tosses the quaffle into the air as it starts to rain lightly.

"The Quaffle is released and the game begins!" Dennis announces. "Zabini the slytherin captain in possession" he says as Madame Hooch takes to the sky. Jimmy sends a bludger Blaise's way. Making him drop the quaffle to avoid it. Ginny catches the quaffle. "Nice bludger by Peakes of Gryffindor, Gryffindor now in possession. Weasley heading for the goal posts" Dennis says.

I clap with the other gryffindors. "Go Ginny!" Ron cheers his sister on. Ginny manages to score the first goal of the game.

"Ginny Weasley scores! 10 points for Gryffindor" Dennis announces. A 10 shows up beside a plaque with Gryffindor's name. On the score board. The match continues.

(Time skip)

The match has been pretty clean so far. Aside from a beater ramming into the gryffindor seeker. Blocking him from getting the snitch. Blaise yelled at the player as Gryffindor is awarded a penalty shot. Which Ginny scored. Making the score 60 - 40 to Gryffindor. Luckily Zoey Runcorn our seeker was fine, maybe a little bruised.

Several scores latter the snitch is spotted again. Draco and Zoey are racing each other for it. Draco has a faster broom, but Zoey is lighter and more agile then him. So it's currently neck and neck. While the others continue to play around them. "Come on Zoey!" Gryffindor chant.

"Go Draco!" the slytherins chant.

"Whose winning?" Ron asks me as I look through the binoculars. Suddenly Draco's hand closes around the snitch and  he pulls up arm in the air. "No!" Ron whines.

"Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch, awarding Slytherin a hundred and fifty points. Score is 90 to gryffindor and 190 to Slytherin. Slytherin wins!" Dennis declares. To loud applause from the slytherin stand. As the gryffindors groan.

Ginny shakes Blaise's hand once they touched down. He asks her something and she nods her head. He gives her a peck on the cheek. Before going over to his team to congratulate Draco on catching the snitch. Ron and I head down to se Ginny.

"Sorry about the lose Ginny" I tell her.

"It's fine, we'll win next time" she states. "Glad you could make it Ron" she says giving him a hug.

"The team look great, you've done great with them" he tells her.

"Thanks, but we'll have to train harder before the next match" she states.

"I'm sure you'll win next time, you have worked hard" I state.

"We're going to have a party tonight, you should come" she tells me.

"I'll be there after my patrol" I assure her.

"You're having a party, even though you lost?" Ron asks surprised.

"To build team moral, we may have lost. But we played fair and worked well together" she states. "Thanks for coming Ron" she says.

"Anytime, anyway I should go" he states. "I'll see you around Hermione" he tells me. I nod and he left.

"So are things good now?" Ginny asks me.

"Yes, I think George knocked some sense into him" I state.

"Most likely" she says with a chuckle. We head back to the castle. Where we did our homework together, before going down to dinner. After dinner I had patrol while Ginny went to go set up fro the party. Patrol was uneventful, aside from me running into Draco and Astoria making out. I gave them a light lecture and congratulated Draco on the win before letting them return to the Slytherin common room.

When I arrived at Gryffindor tower, the party is in full swing. Ginny pulled me over to join her and Neville. Who hands me a goblet of butter beer. We party for an hour, until I told everyone to go to bed. As it's a school night. They complained, but did as they were told. Ginny and I cleaned up, before going to bed ourselves.


Gif above of Blaise with the quaffle. (Imagine it's raining, not snowing).

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