Hermione's Birthday

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Harry's POV

I had no idea what to get Hermione for her nineteenth birthday. It's her first birthday with us as a 'couple', so I wanted it to be special. Something meaningful. So I decided to go through my family vault. Which had more then just money in it. It also had artifacts. Like jewelry, heirlooms, vases and books. I knew how much Hermione loved reading.

So I went through the books first. Knowing she'd prefer a book over a piece of jewelry. That's when I found a signed copy of her favourite book. Hogwarts a History, by the author. According to the note inside, dad had gotten it for my mum on her seventeenth birthday. I knew it was perfect for Hermione. So I took it and wrapped it. I wrote a letter and sent both to her with Griffon. Praying she likes the gift.

Hermione's POV

It's my nineteenth birthday, I wasn't really expecting anything. Even though it is Saturday. I have so much homework already and it's only been three weeks. And exams are ages away. Ginny invited me to come watch tryouts for her new team. I promised to go, even though I am not a huge quidditch fan.

Anyway, I am having breakfast early. As I wanted to be able to do some homework before heading to the pitch. When Griffon appears. I look at him confused as he drops a parcel in front of me. I was not expecting a gift from Harry. I give Griffon a glass of water to drink from and decide to open the letter first.

Dear Hermione,

I know I don't usually get you anything for your birthday. But I figured I should. I admit, I had no idea what to get you. I wanted it to be something meaningful.

So I went through my family vault and found this. It belonged to my mum. I hope you like it. Happy Birthday.

Love From,


Ps, I believe I have found the perfect puppy for Hagrid. Litter is due at the beginning November.

I frown in confusion and look at the parcel. He got it from his family vault? That's so sweet. I would of been fine with a book from Flourish and Blotts. I unwrap it and gasp in surprised. It's a signed copy of Hogwarts a History. My favourite book. I had no idea, he knew it was my favourite book. Though I do read it all the time.

Ron was never so thoughtful with his gifts. Hell my own parents never really put much thought into gifts now a days. Yet, here Harry was giving me a book owned by his mum. A signed copy of my favourite book. I am so lucky to have him in my life and as my future husband. I blush at the thought and put the book in my bag. As two more owls appear.

One was Pigwidgeon, it was just a card from Ron and his parents. The other was a letter and gift from my parents. The gift was a locket with a picture of them inside. I then read the letter.

To our dearest Hermione,

Happy Birthday, we love you so much and are truly blessed to have you for a daughter. We hope you have a good birthday, we only ask for one thing. No studying today, have fun and enjoy your birthday.

We look forward to seeing you and Harry for Christmas. Your father and I have a big surprise for you. Know that we love you and are so proud of the young woman you've become.

Lots of love from your parents

I wonder what surprise they have. Even though I really wanted to study. I decide to honour they wish of no studying today. Besides it means I can read the new book Harry has gotten me. Even though I have read Hogwarts a History multiple times. I grab some stationary and write a reply to everyone, then ask Griffon to deliver them for me. He hooted one and took them before taking off.

I return to my breakfast. Afterwards, I go with Ginny down to the pitch. I sit in the stands and start to read the book Harry had gotten me. Only half paying attention. Demelza Robins and Dean made chasers. Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote made beaters again. While a Natalie McDonald became keeper. She's in Jimmy's year and they are friends. He got her into quidditch.

After the team was picked. They had their first team practice together. They weren't to bad. Afterwards, Ginny and I went down to see Hagrid & Fang. Fang is starting to lose muscle and the ability to walk. It won't be long before Hagrid has to decide to put him down. Or Fang passes away naturally. Hagrid is very torn up about it, he and Fang have been through so much together over the years. I hope he'll like the dog Harry and I will get him for Christmas.

Ginny and I walked back up to the castle together as she wished me a happy birthday. Giving me a necklace. "So what did Harry get you?" she asks me curious. I show it to her. "A signed copy of your favourite book" she says shocked.

"Yes, apparently it belonged to his mum" I tell her.

"He got me a new broomstick for my birthday. He said a captain deserves a decent broom" she tells me. "It's a Nimbus 2002, only came out just before the war" she states.

"Nice" I say. We enter the castle and join Neville for lunch. Before Ginny went to go study with Blaise. It was a nice day, so I decided to spend it outside by the lake reading my new book. Crookshanks joined me and fell asleep on my lap as I read.


Picture above of the book.

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