DM Request 1#: Wayraj ticklefight.

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(oh god please kill me I'm so sorry)

     It was an early morning on the reality show Total Drama, about 7:21 am. The sun was glistening through the window, shining through the open curtains. It was a cool day outside, as the climate around the island was very.. iffy. Almost everyone was still asleep, dreaming of winning the sweet million bucks on the line. Two contestants on the show, the closest friends there, Wayne and Raj, are always the first ones up. When Wayne wakes up, he pokes fun with Raj until Raj wakes.

     "Hey Rajie..! Wake up!!" Wayne pokes Raj and playfully giggles.

     Raj swats at Wayne as he wakes up, mumbling,

     "Nhoo... let me sleeeep..."

     Wayne pokes more fun with Raj, until Raj finally wakes up and tackles Wayne.

     "I'm so gonna get you for waking me up so early, Wayner!!"

     Wayne and Raj playfully tumble around on the floor for a good five minutes, laughing and being loud. Someone briefly sits up to give them a scowl, then they go back to sleep, leaving Wayne and Raj to keep roughhousing. Wayne pushes Raj onto his back and headbutts him, laughing. Raj shoves Wayne down and elbows his chest playfully. Wayne pushes Raj again, into Bowie's bunk.

     "unngh.. would you two please stop it..?! The rest of us are trying to sleep..!"

     "Sorry Bowie..! Me and Wayne are just having some good fun..!"

     "Your lucky your so darn cute.." Bowie kisses Raj on the forehead, "I love you, but please tone it down..?"

     "Ok... I love you too Bowie..!"

     Bowie rolls back over and goes back to bed, still smiling a bit. Wayne and Raj then continue their roughhousing for a while, about 12 minutes. Wayne shoves Raj over, but his hand grazes Raj's side, making him lightly smile and giggle.

     "Raj.. was that a giggle I heard..?"

     "A giggle? Whaatt..? No...!" Raj's smile is nervous, as he knows no matter what he says, that giggle caught Wayne's interest.

     "Uhuh... And.. that supposed 'giggle' came from me doing.. this..?" Wayne tickles Raj's side for a second. He knows that Raj is super ticklish, but it's fun to poke fun.

     "Wayner..! Hahaa!! Stop it!!"

     "No way, Rajie!! Your so ticklish, it's just so adorable!!"

     Wayne continues poking and tickling Raj, making him laugh and push at Wayne.

     "Please!! Ghahaha! Wayne!! Naaha!! I can't take it, your too good at tickling me..! GAHAHAH!! STOPPAAHHA!!

     Wayne pauses for a second, letting Raj catch his breath. After a few moments, he spiders his hand up Raj's shirt and tickles Raj's stomach. Wayne knows that Raj isn't uncomfortable, and that's what fuels him to keep going.


     "What's that Rajie? You want MORE   tickles? Well, who am I to not make my friend happy?"

     Wayne tickles Raj for a while longer, until Raj is crying from laughing so hard. Wayne stops, letting Raj relax a bit.

     "Did I go too rough, Raj? Are you alright?"

     "Haha, yeah, I'm fine Wayne! You just know where I'm ticklish- it makes it super hard not to laugh when I'm having fun with my bestest friend!

     Wayne smiles, hugging Raj. Raj takes this as an opportunity to get Wayne back. He immediately shot his hands up Wayne's shirt, tickling and pushing Wayne down. Wayne laughs hard and loudly. He sounds like a surfer laughing at a joke, his laugh very odd and wavy.

     "AhAhah!! RAJIEE!! NOAAHAOO!! NhOo fairrrr!! Ihihii trusted youhohOuu!!" Wayne jokes while laughing.

     "Awwh, you poor little thing!! Maybe more tickles would cheer you up?" Raj snickers, just going wild on Wayne. Wayne is a lot more resistant to the tickles, and they start tickling each other at the same time, their tight hug keeping either from pulling away. Zee wakes up from his, albeit light sleep, and smiles at the two.

     "Awwh, thats so cute, man.!" Zee softly laughs, looking at the two. He's up for the morning, and he just watches this, intrigued.

Finally, when the two stop, they hug eachother and laugh about what happened. Raj lays down back in his bottom bunk bed, and Wayne lays on the bunk above. They talk quietly about ice hockey and relationships till about 8:30. Their whole roughhousing match lasted about 39 minutes, and they talked for another 30. They both went back to sleep for a while after that, easily resting from the tiring activities from before. When everyone else wakes up, Bowie and Zee both talk about what happened, as zee witnessed the end of the roughhousing match.

"Yeah, it was SO cute, dude!! Wayne was giggling like one of those funny little surfer guys who would say, "totally tubular, man!!", it was so funny and cute!"

     "Yeah, sounds adorable." Bowie softly chuckles.



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