First Day Of Life

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First Day Of Life


Red Mockingbird stood in an old warehouse, that could be mistaken for a hanger, in his uniform. He noticed a massive Star on the roof. He heard two whooshes behind him. He turned and saw Flash and Kid Flash, both of them smiling at him.

Kid Flash: hey Red, I don't know if you remember me but-

Red Mockingbird: Wally West. (He smirked) I don't have a bad memory dude.

Kid Flash: (he approached the clone) glad to hear it. (He stuck out a fist, confusing Mockingbird. Kid Flash raised an eyebrow) don't leave me hanging dude. It's called a fist bump. Guess the genomorphs didn't teach you how to live life.

Mockingbird stuck out his fist and fist bumped Wally awkwardly, causing Flash to smirk.

Flash: we'll teach you over time. You know how to use your speed?

Mockingbird smirked and zoomed off as a black blur. About thirty seconds later, he returned with three sets of hamburgers.

Kid Flash: I like the way this guy thinks.


A massive storm cloud was looming over Central City, while a man in the middle with a yellow and green suit and green sunglasses in the middle. A few miles away the three speedsters stopped to assess the situation.

Red Mockingbird: who is that?

Flash: Mark Mardon aka-

Kid Flash: aka Weather Wizard. Long time member of the Rouges.

Flash: one of the founders actually.

Red Mockingbird: what's he doing.

Kid Flash: trying to destroy the city. So generic. Like, change the stakes for once.

Flash: agreed.

Flash: alright, here's the deal, we need a plan of attack-

Red Mockingbird: (he walked forward) I have a plan. (He turned back towards flash) Attack.

Red Mockingbird ran off in a black blur.

Flash: Red! Wait!

Kid Flash: it that what I sound like?

Flash: (sigh) almost all the time.

Kid Flash: oh man. I'm sorry.

The two Flashes sped down the street where they saw Mockingbird firing arrows at Weather Wizard, who deflected them with wind.

Weather Wizard: Flash has taken up another protégé? Or are you from Star City?

Mockingbird fired another arrow one that finally exploded and knocked Weather Wizard backward slightly.

Mockingbird then leaped upwards, using the wind to propel himself and started screaming, releasing sonic waves that blew the Wizard backwards into a building.

Mockingbird suddenly heard a child screaming. He turned and saw a child about to be crushed by debris. He rushed with his speed and moved the kid out of the way just in time.

Red Mockingbird: Are you okay?

The kid nodded and looked behind Mockingbird.

The bird turned and saw Weather Wizard in cuffs, Flash talking to cops and Kid Flash just standing around looking bored. The kid pointed at a toy of a pink starfish, with a happy expression. Mockingbird picked it up and handed it to the kid who smiled.

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