A Canyon Sized Gap in my Memory

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Jason awoke, where, he had no clue, which was funny because in all the times he remembers being awoken somewhere new, it's never been without him being tied up, and it certainly didn't help that he had no clue what he was remembering, because as soon as the thought of him remembering something entered his head, he lost it.

Okay, his name is Jason Grace, he's.... why can't he remember how old he is.

The purple shirt he had on flapped from the wind of the open bus windows, his sandy blonde hair whipping around his face as he looked around, his hand was being held by a pretty girl, with a braid in part of her hazelnut hair, and her tan skin seeming to reflect the suns light. Hold on, pretty? What has gotten into me, he thought as he shook his head, he isn't normally calling girls he meets pretty, at least he thinks he doesn't. He doesn't remember anything before a minute ago.

"Jason," he blinked hard, trying to regain any sense of familiarity as he registered his name, "hey buddy you there?" He looked toward the speaker, a scrawny looking kid with wild hair and a wilder look in his eyes.

"Are you finally losing it Grace?" The wild-eyed kid jeered, "Oh leave him alone Leo, he just woke up." The girl who was holding his hand said.

"Defending your booooyfriend Piper?" apparently Leo, said smirking wider somehow. Piper's face grew a deep red at that, and once again Jason couldn't help but think it was a little cute.

"ATTENTION," Jason was immediately ripped from his thoughts at that, "alright now that you're paying attention, we will be arriving at the Grand Canyon soon." The short, middle-aged man who shouted this looked at Jason for a minute, and Jason could tell the man knew he wasn't supposed to be here.

Jason looked to the people next to him, tuning out the man's prattling as he tried to think of why he remembers nothing, and he decides to just be upfront with Piper and Leo about it.

After the man, Coach Hedge he'd heard Leo call him, had finished, he got Leo and Piper's attention, "Hey, I know this sounds weird, but I don't remember a thing, just my name, and I was really hoping one of you guys could tell me what's going on." Jason said, squinting as the sun blared into his eyes through the window.

"Yu-huh, I definitely believe you dude." Leo said, smirking at Jason, "You believe him, right?" He directed the second half at Piper, who glared at him.

"You're being serious, right Jason?" Piper asked, her worried expression also, once again striking Jason as cute.

"I'm being one hundred percent serious here."

Leo squinted at that, presumably trying to determine whether he was joking or not.

The bus jostled slightly from a pothole, sending Piper out of where she was sitting and directly into Jason's lap.

Immediately jumping and distancing himself, Jason apologized profusely, was his face as red as it felt?

"Alright that settles it, Jason wouldn't have reacted that way if he hadn't lost his mind." Leo said, Piper getting even more embarrassed and flipping Leo off.

"We should tell Coach; he might be able to help." Piper suggested, squeezing his hand.

"Nah I got this," Leo said, "My name is Leo, I'm your amazing best friend and you owe me uh. One Hundred Dollars!" Leo flashed a grin at Jason, while Piper glared at Leo. "Piper is your girlfriend, gross right?" Jason and Piper both went red in the face at this, Jason having his mind halt any and all thoughts that had been occurring previously.

"LEO" Piper squealed, putting her hands over her face, and groaning loudly into them. Jason couldn't help but think that he'd be extremely lucky to be dating her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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