"You brothers are the same. Even Yoongi and Kookie said the same thing to me and I am going to repeat the same answer that I answered to them" Jin said with a chuckle.

"I know we have a chef to cook. But I love to cook for my family and it's not for daily. Whenever I got time I'll cook for my family. Don't think about stopping me from doing this." Jin said with a fake angry face.

Namjoon looked at Jin shook his head sidely and said "I'll never stop you from doing something for our family " while tightening the grip on his hand making a small blush form on Jin's cheek.

"Don't you need to go to the office? " Jin asked Namjoon lowering his head down due to shyness.

"No need to go to the office as I take leave for two days. But I have one online meeting in an hour "Namjoon said taking Jin with him to the dining table.

Upon reaching the dining table Jin saw all of them sitting at the table without eating anything.

"Why are you guys not eating? " Jin asked.

"We're waiting for you to join us Hyung. So we can eat together. "Kai said with a smile.

"Them come on let's eat. You guys are getting late." Jin said taking his seat beside Namjoon.

While eating all of them praise Jin's handmade food. After eating, Yeonjun and Taehyun get ready to go to school Jungkook get ready for college and Kai gets ready for his dance practice. Yoongi said he's going to produce some songs in his studio at home.

After getting ready Yeonjun, Taehyun, Jungkook And Kai came to the living room to say bye to Jin before leaving.

"Bye Jin Hyung " all of them said together and laughed at the reaction.

"Take care of yourself guys. Be safe. Bye-bye " Jin said to them and hugged them one by one leaving them shocked and looking at Jin with teary eyes because even their mother hadn't sent off them like this.[want to know why. You'll find it in the next few chapters].

"What happened guys? Why are you guys crying ?" Jin asked with a panicked face hugged the younger to comfort them and asked Jungkook and Kai to join the hug.

"Nothing Hyungie. Bye-bye " All of them bid their byes and left from there.

"I'm going to be in my office room for the meeting. Call me if you need anything. " Namjoon informed and showed his home office to Jin before he left.

Jin informed the maids to cook lunch because he decided to make evening snacks and dinner for everyone. After that, he left to his room to take a rest.

Lying on the bed Jin called Jimin to invite him.


Hello Jin Hyung. Where are you now? How are you Hyung? Did something happen?

JIN: 📞

Chim takes a breath and asks questions one by one. How can I answer if you ask like this?


Sorry Hyung. Now tell me what happened?


I Will tell you, but not now chim. Take babies, Taetae and Hobi with you and come to the address I will send in the evening.


Tell me Hyungie.



Jin cut the call with a chuckle. After that Jin decided to sleep a little to rest.

Jin was sleeping peacefully. But his sleep was disturbed by someone shaking him lightly.

"Baby I am still sleepy please don't disturb me. " Jin said in his sleepy state.

But his sleep was disturbed again so he said."I will buy you an ice cream if you let me sleep baby" Jin said whining in his sleep.

"Jin it's Namjoon. Wake up and eat your lunch then you can sleep again." Namjoon said with a smile making Jin sit on the bed fast.

"Sorry," Jin said.

"It's ok. Come on let's go and eat our lunch" Namjoon said leaving downstairs followed by Jin.

At the dining table both were joined by Yoongi. They ate their lunch with small talk.

After lunch, Yoongi left for his studio and Namjoon to his office.

Jin stayed in the kitchen and started to prepare evening snacks and the essential things to make dinner.

To be continued...

Love you ❤️
Love yourself 💜


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