
117 5 34

For everyone who prefers hearing the story there is an audiobook version at the bottom of the chapter.


~ In the gc ~
(After they told Atsumu to check on Sakusa and he left)

Hinata: Do you think they will be alright?

Suna: Well, it's Atsumu we're talking about so I'd say it's a 50/50 chance 😐

Oikawa: Sounds about right.

Kita: Sakusa and Atsumu have a very strong relationship. I don't think we need to worry about them.

Noya: Good!
Noya: Then the much more important question is, who is next? 😁

Lev: I'm on my way home now. I should be there in about 5 minutes so I can go next 😺

Noya: Great!

Kuroo: Good luck Lev, remember that you still need to look pretty tomorrow for your job 😉

Lev: 🙄
Lev: Mori is not like that.

Kuroo: True, as long as you don't tease him about his height, which you somehow always managed to do. It's astonishing 😶✨


The sky was heavy with low-hanging clouds dipping the city in a cold and dull atmosphere only interrupted by Lec, who smoked brightly regardless. The photoshoot went well and it looked like he would be able to secure the deal with the news client for a more long-term contract.

He couldn't wait to tell Yaku the good news... right after the challenge. Who knows maybe in case this ended badly it could save the evening.

He was optimistic about it. All things considered, it was the most likely that Yaku wouldn't take the question all that seriously, and even if he did he was much more considerate than people gave him credit for.

Lev had barely stepped through the front door when he already spotted the head of his boyfriend peaking around the corner.
"You're home early. Good, I was just about to get dinner started."

Lev chuckled.

"Next time you come home this early tell me and then it's your turn to make dinner," he shouted from the kitchen while Lev still struggled to get his jacket off, he was too distracted by the things on his mind, namely Yaku, to do it properly and focus on it for five seconds.

When he finally got himself free he followed the libero into the kitchen and snuck his arms around the smaller's waist.
"Lev, I'm trying to cook."

"Well, I'm trying to say hello to my boyfriend after being separated for the whole day," he whined and pouted playfully.

Yaku sighed in defeat while continuing to slice the vegetables in front of him. They stayed like that for a while with Lev snuggling up to Yaku's neck, who tried in vain to hide the soft smile tugging the corners of his lips upwards.

"Hey Mori?"


"What would you do if I'd die?" Lev asked casually.

"Bring you back to life, kill you myself, bring you back to life again, and berate you for thinking you could leave without me just like that," Yaku answered equally casually.

Lev laughed and squeezed Yaku even tighter in his embrace, who yelped in response and took a cautious step back from the stove.

"Didn't even hesitate, huh?" the taller teased fondly.

"Of course not." Yaku chuckled while turning around in his arms. "What's up with you today?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy," Lev answered honestly.

Yaku raised an eyebrow and searched his eyes for a more precise answer.
"Is there something I would have to be worried about?"

A flicker of concern danced in his eyes and Lev quickly shook his head.

"Is there something you are worried about?" Yaku insisted.

"Nope, I swear. Well, that is except that I might not be home all that much next week."

The libero looked at him questioningly, tilting his head in the process.

"I think I got the job," the silver-haired explained and his boyfriend's eyes lit up. He slung his arms around Lev's middle and hugged him rightly in return.

"That's amazing, Levochka! Congratulations! I'm proud of you!" He looked up at him with the brightest smile causing Lev's heart to positively melt. He leaned down and pulled Yaku into a deep kiss.

"Thank you, my love," the taller whispered against Yaku's lips before slowly separating again. The smaller blushed at the pet name and punched him playfully on his chest.

"Would that be a bad timing to say that this was a challenge and if I send it in the group chat everyone will know how domestic and cute you can be?"
Lev smiled sheepishly and pointed at the camera.

Yaku hesitated for a second before crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm not embarrassed that I love my boyfriend."
He said it yet his cheeks were dusted unmistakably in a soft shade of pink.
"And Kuroi if you're in that group chat and you dare tease me about it I'll ask Suna for blackmail about you."

With that, he ended the video.


~ In the gc ~

Kuroo: WHAT DID I DO!?

Bokuto: 😂😂

Oikawa: 😂😂😂

Kuroo: You don't have any, right Suna?
Kuroo: You wouldn't give it to him, would you?!

Suna: 😶

Kuroo: Urgh, this is unfair 🥺

Bokuto: Bro 😂🥺

Kuroo: You're supposed to be on my side 😤
Kuroo: Hey why don't you go next? 🫠

Bokuto: Sure, why not? 😌😆

Kuroo: 😤


A bit of a shorter chapter but I'll make sure to upload the next one soon.

BokuAka is next but as always tell me which ship I should do after that and if I should add any to the challenge.

Here is the podfic version (Please check it out to support me m 😶✌️):

"If I'd die..."Where stories live. Discover now