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For everyone who prefers hearing the story there is an audiobook version at the bottom of the chapter.


Kita was quick to put his phone aside after reading the messages to help Aran with the groceries. He was in the midst of putting everything away when he noticed that other staring at him from the corner of his eye.
"Is something on your mind?" Kita asked gently.

He raised an eyebrow ever so slightly while pausing the task at hand to give the ace his full attention.

'Nothing, really it's just... It's still a little strange seeing you in sweatpants and a loose shirt. By the way, I love it when you wear my clothes." He smiled.
The taller leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek making Kita smile as well.

"Thank you, it's very comfortable."

They had moved in together a few weeks back and ever since Aran didn't fail to let a day pass by without mentioning how much he adored seeing Kita by his side every day.

"Well, then I better get used to it. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable after all."

Kita chuckled. It was a small quiet sound yet to Aran it felt as though it had the power to move mountains and part the seas. It made his heart flutter.

"You will have plenty of time to get used to it. I don't plan on changing my habits or to leave anytime soon." Kita continued and paused.
This would be the perfect coming to initiate the challenge, however, Suna's words resonated with him and he suddenly wasn't sure anymore how to proceed. He didn't want to hurt Aran and although he had a hard time comprehending why this might be hurtful to him, Suna thought so and that was reason enough to halt and consider.

His boyfriend took note of Kita's sudden silence and the slight furrow of his brows as his eyes narrowed.

He observed him quietly while putting the remaining items away. Aran knew this expression well. Well, enough to wait and let Kita draw his own conclusions before he would ask or otherwise interfere.

It was a bit unusual in general that he would get into this state, as if lost in thoughts, especially without explaining what concerned him first so that Aran wouldn't worry.
As thorough as Kita was with his decisions, he was also very open about them and his thought process leading up to them. The silver-haired never seemed to see a real reason to hide something particularly not from Aran.

But the groceries were put away and he still hadn't moved to address what it was that concerned him.

Gently Aran took Kita's hand in his and met his gaze with a warm smile.

"What's on your mind?" he asked softly, mirroring the other's question from before.

"Aran, what would you do if I were to die?"


That caught him off guard and he froze momentarily. He searched Kita's face for any sign of distress, for any time as to why the silver-haired would ask such a question but was met with nothing but Kita's usual calm sincerity.

"I-... I'm not quite sure. I would miss you terribly. As of now, I can't really imagine a life without you again."
He felt his hands starting to tremble slightly and Kita holding on to them more tightly.

"Do you feel hurt by that question?" Kita continued.
The vigilant fox-like eyes zeroed in on Aran's, observant as always.

"No," he replied. "but the prospect of you... dying scares me." Aran answered him honestly.
"Why would you bring it up?
"Did something happen?"

He cupped Kita's cheek gently, caressing it softly with his thumb while getting lost in the expressive, gentle brown of his eyes. It reminded him of a sun-kissed forest floor, warm earth and dried herbs.

He couldn't imagine losing him. He couldn't. He would give everything the world had to offer in exchange for him.

"Nishinoya, the former libero of Karasuno, proposed the question as a challenge. I thought it might be an important question to ask at least once. Many of the others volunteered to participate as well so I assumed it wasn't malicious and I joined them.
"However, Suna warned me it might hurt you...
"That wasn't my intention so I considered how to phrase it in a way that wouldn't. I'm sorry if I failed at that and it brought forth bad thoughts." Kita finished his explanation.
His eyes reflected concern and utter sincerity.

Aran smiled softly, his worry slowly melted away and left his expression. Gently he tugged at Kita's hand and pulled him into his arms.
"Don't worry, I'm just glad that nothing is wrong.
"Many people don't think about these things until they are confronted with them so briefly I assumed the worst. I'm glad I was wrong."

Kita returned the gesture and put his arms around Aran's middle as he rested his head against Aran's neck. He wasn't small yet the 10 cm height difference and Aran's strong build allowed him to hide completely behind the ace and melt into his embrace.
It felt like safety and stability, like comfort and warmth. It felt like home.

"I love you, Aran. I plan to stay by your side for as long as I can." He whispered against his skin.

Aran felt warmth wash over him at Kita's words and he pulled him even closer and placed a kiss on his hair.
"I love you too, Shinsuke."


~ In the gc ~

Atsumu: I-... Where do I even start? 😶
Atsumu: ...
Atsumu: I have to send this to Osamu!

Oikawa: Wait!
Oikawa: Suna still has to do his challenge!

Atsumu: Right... 🥲

Suna: 🙄

Atsumu: Suna! You have to go next!
Atsumu: The world needs to see this!

Lev: I have to admit, that was kinda unexpected 😶

Hinata: Lev! You have been gone for so long!

Lev: Sorry, I still had a job an hour ago. But hey, Kuroo, you and Kenma are really cute together 🙀

Kuroo: You say that as though that was surprising 🤨
Kuroo: Of course, Kitten and I are cute together 😤

Bokuto: Yes, you are 😆

Kuroo: Thanks Bro 😌

Atsumu: Guys, come on! That doesn't matter right now!
Atsumu: Suna had to do the challenge so that I can show this to Osamu 😭

Suna: 🙄

Noya: Well Suna? 😂

Suna: Fine 🙄
Suna: Only if Atsumu goes next though. 😇✌️


Thank you for reading!
I hope you liked it!

Tell me if should add any ships!
And please check out my YT: NerdyNekoma for more fanfics and if you want to support me! ☺️

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