Chapter 25: He Shoots, He Chores.

Start from the beginning

Leone: I got powdered sugar! As sweet as my fox!

Jun: Thank you, Kitty. And hey! Sayo and Ieyasu, come on down and have some pancakes.

The brunette fox flipped them as Akame and Tatsumi rushed to the table and so did Sayo and Ieyasu, who were holding hands and blushing.

Tatsumi: Anything going on?

Ieyasu: Hey, Tatsumi? If we said me and Sayo got together, what would you say?

Tatsumi: I'd be happy for you. And so would the village. They've been betting on which one of us would be with Sayo.

 They've been betting on which one of us would be with Sayo

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Tatsumi: Kidding! Kidding! (Looks like the rival bakers that wanted me with Sayo owes my family 100 bucks.)

Ieyasu: You didn't know? Everyone did except for you.

Sayo: I can't believe it. All this time I was a betting device. Well, no use now. Me and Ieyasu are together!

Tatsumi: You are?! That's awesome!

The three hugged as Ieyasu and Sayo hugged Tatsumi, and even Akame got in on the action and so did Leone, as Jun groaned in disappointment.

Jun: The cook's always left out of hugs.

Tatsumi: Also, for your wedding, who'd you have decided for a best man?

Ieyasu: You of course!

Akame: He's one lucky guy, Sayo.

Sayo: (Oh my god, someone just shoot me.)

As the embarrassed markswoman continued to be blushing and Jun continued to cook, soon, the entire group decided to eat as Jin and Chelsea sat together and Trent sat with Lubbock instead.

Lubbock: Don't you worry man, there's always fish in the sea. But don't think you can get with me, since I'm straight.

Trent: Thanks Lubbock. Don't worry. I didn't crush on you anyways.

Mine: Would anyone?

Lubbock: Come on guys!

The gang continued to laugh as Sheele saw Jin and Chelsea closer and the red haired girl offered the werewolf more pancakes. Mine noticed as well, and boy was she pissed.

Mine: (Great. Now little miss priss is gonna take him. Yet he belongs to Sheele! I have to make sure they don't spend time together! Or at least have her love Trent!)

As the gang continued to eat, Najenda comes inside and eats some of the pancakes Jun made.

Jun: So, madam, how's the pancakes?

Najenda: Great. Susanoo's pancakes are good, but these feel more simple.

Jun: Sometimes not everything has to be extravagant.

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now