10. The Coincidental Text

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3 months time skip

Walking through corridors to get ready for training, I saw Ella. I began sneaking upto her grabbing her shoulders "boo!" Ella let out a loud dramatic scream, like I was about the murder her.

"Can everyone stop doing that, I'll have a heart attack one day." Ella said side eying me.

"I unfortunately can't consider that option mate" I giggles to myself. While Ella rolled her eyes.

She was on FaceTime to Alessia because we lost her jolly, happy face to Arsenal. Now we're all sworn enemies. Well that's what the media likes to assume anyway.

"So what did go on between you Leah?" Ella gave me questioning look.

Nothing really happened we just flirted from time to time. Personally I don't feel myself having the time for a relationship right now, especially with someone on a even busy schedule than me. So I replied "I don't know el, nothing really."

Ella took one look at me and decided to leave the conversation there. Which I was happy for but Ella never gives up just like that, which made curious as to what she was thinking. But I had to leave those thoughts behind and focus on training.

After winning the euros life has changed so much. Like even just getting recognised on the streets, or brand deals here and there. It's kinda exhausting but I feel this pressure to keep going and pushing the game and spotlight to where it should be. I've barely had time to think about football and myself. But it's time to get my head down and focus now.

Training went well. You could definitely tell some of us had been on holidays and embracing our recent break away from football and training. We were all exhausted by the time it was over, including myself. But we got to start somewhere I guess.

I was sat in the cafeteria eating my dinner and I received a message from a certain Leah Williamson. I was so confused by the fact that not long ago I was speaking to Ella about her, now she's messaging me out of the blue. 'What a coincidence eh' I thought to myself

I opened the message to read 'hey Faye. I've got a photoshoot up in Manchester later today and I'm free for tomorrow. So fancy some food tonight? x' I didn't know where to start thinking, we haven't spoke since the euros and camp was just a different environment entirely we was in our own bubble, but now that bubbles popped. I don't know if it will feel the same now, I know it sounds weird but that bubble felt so safe, no one had care in the world what was going on. We were on cloud nine and all that mattered was our happiness and football. Now I don't feel so safe, I'm happy but that safety is gone and left in the some of the best memories of my life.

I was so torn on how to reply but I know how I felt about Leah and the safety she gave me just by touch, or her eyes when she looked at me with a smile. But I don't know down to the magic environment we created. Could it have just been down to the magic bubble?

All these unanswered questions running through my brain was kinda giving me a headache. But in that moment I thought to myself 'I would never know if don't see this through.' So I replied 'yes, of course. Just send me the the time and where x'

I got an instant reply like she had been waiting all that time for me to push out my thoughts and reply. 'Great, 5pm I'll let you know where. I need to make reservations x'. Reading that text sent butterflies round my stomach.

'What's got you all red reading your phone' millie said with a smirk sitting down across from me.

'Nothing mill' I replied as Ella's sat down next to Millie, giggling to herself. 'How was training for you's?' I asked trying to change subject.

'My legs are done' Ella said with head leaning on Millie. 'Same here mate' Millie chimed in.

I'm back sorry about the long wait, I have no excuses about not updating this book other than just no motivation at all to write. But I intend on taking the writing steady but definitely more consistent with the chapters😂

I hope everyone's enjoying the progression of this story, I hope you are excited for the next chapter. Any guesses on what's going to happen?

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