4. Organised Mess

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I woke up in a good mood today not only did we win last night and I scored but I'm off to SGP today. The schedule is that we have a week of camp then three days off camp, then we're straight back into camp to play some friendlies then on with the Euros tournament. To say I'm a little excited is understatement.

I decided on yogurt with some fruit today. We didn't have to be at SGP till the afternoon so I decided on something lighter.

Opening my suitcase with no plan ahead was a massive mistake, I felt lost in my own bedroom. I decided it was a good idea to FaceTime Ella, she's been through this a couple times she should be a pro camp packer by now. Well how wrong was I?

"Hey Faye, you excited can't wait to see me eh?" Ella said in a chipper mood looking at her phone.

"Hey El, I'm struggling what to pack. What have you packed, help a girl out will yah" I said with pleading expression across my face.

"Unfortunately Faye I'm not the one to give advice in this situation" Ella replied turning her camera round to show the state her room was in, she basically got clothes an trainers for a carpet at the moment.

My face dropped in shock "Ella what the fuck, how are you in such a good mood" I replied with a slight giggle.

"I'm surrounded by clothes mate, ain't nawt better other than footy of course" Ella answered laughing to herself.

"I'm gonna have to go El, got a lot to be done. Please sort out that bomb site asap" I said and ended the call.

After cramming all my casual clothes in at the bottom, then my England clothing that I'll need, then jamming my trainers in at the top. To say it was a squeeze was massive understatement. I had to lay on the suitcase and progressively ram the zip round. Definitely more than one person job shutting a suitcase or is that just me? I questioned myself. If my trainers weren't creased before, we'll they're definitely are now.

After giving my Mum a hug and thanking her for dog sitting Lola, I got into the vehicle that England send out to transport us to camp.

I had a long ride ahead of me, Manchester to SGP is easily a couple hours and that's without traffic. I got out my phone thinking I'll just watch a movie to pass time. The screen lit up and showed I had an unread message from Emily.


Hey, hope you have
a good time, can't wait
to be back in your bed😉

I'm sure I will
and stop it you😂

Just saying you've
been boring lately and
you teasing me with that
kit ain't helping.

Behave yourself

I'm always an angel
and don't worry I'm
sneaky , I know how to
get away with my antics😇


After a movie and what seemed like for ever of scrolling through TikTok, I arrived. I got out and was greeted with a women and the driver gave me my suitcase and kitbag. I thanked him for the peaceful ride and he left.

"Hi, I'm Hannah. Come with me, just walk up these steps and another member of staff will guide you."

"Thank you Hannah" I said and followed her command.

Just like she said a member of staff was waiting at the top for me, he pointed towards the doors.

There was a cameraman on pathway he shouted "smile Hilton your being filmed"

I smiled and waved at the camera and continued my journey towards the door.

Coming out the overside of the door I saw everyone all kitted out in England gear. I saw the United lot, looks like they got here quicker than me.

Ella ran up to me "looks like you figured out that packing situation then" she shouted at me.

"I'm not sure I'd call it packing" I giggled embracing my teammates.

I heard a familiar laugh, straight away my eyes went onto Georgia Stanway, she's practically my best friend in football although we play at different clubs but we kept our bond. We actually go way back to when we was like 11 years old me Georgia and Ella all played at Blackburn Rovers. Me and Georgia clicked straight away I'm not sure why, I think it maybe because at the time we was the shortest in squad. So we naturally stuck out for each other.

"Missed you mate" Georgia shouted jumping into my arms.

"Me too G" I replied rapping my arms around her.

I heard someone stepping towards us an say "my roomie" enthusiastically, it was some girl.

Georgia turned around seemed ecstatic over her. I got a glance she was blonde then her eyes met mine, her ocean blue eyes. It's Leah Williamson I've played against but I've never looked at her properly, I've only ever seen her as the opponent. She's tall, got a beautiful smile and she's hot.

Shit I've been caught staring, she's smiling at me because she's caught me. I instantly drag my eyes to Georgia and tunnel vision on her, I can feel my cheeks warming my heart beat race. This is awkward

"Hi, I'm Leah don't believe we've met like this" Leah said holding out her hand

"Faye and no we haven't" I shook her hand it's warm, soft and is sending goose bumps up my arm.

Off she went with a smile saying 'hello' to everyone else. I practically crumbled at her, where was my confidence, where was I. She caught me looking at every little feature of her, she probably thinks I'm so weird.


Finally getting the story started, do you like it? Remember this is only the beginning there's a rollercoaster ahead, so enjoy the ride. I've realised there's already quite some depth to the story with the different relationships, friendships and back stories.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this one and all the previous. If you have any recommendations or ideas you would like to see please don't hesitate to comment or message, I'd love to include your input too.

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