"Is that why you made all this food? So I won't be mad?"

He pointed, trying not to smirk too much. He watched as she playfully rolled her eyes in a full circle.

"I don't know what you're talking about Von."

She sarcastically spoke, waving him off.

"But... I am sorry for not listening to you. I know that you're only just looking out for me and the kids safety, especially with everything going on. It's just been hard for me to adjust, but I promise you I'm trying-"

"Don't be sorry Mani. I should be tha one apologizing if anything."

He insisted.

"I know it's been hard fa you these last few weeks, and wit me being so paranoid about every lil thing, I might've been coming on a lil too strict around hea."

He admitted himself.

Normani could see the sincerity in his face as she gazed at him. She wasn't shocked at all with how understanding he was being. She knew Von like the back of her hand. He wasn't really too outgoing with his empathetic ways, but whenever it came to the people he loved, his heart was always big and filled with understanding.

And Normani just loved that about him.

"I just..."

Von continued on, but seemingly stopping mid-sentence. He instead found himself looking deeply into her eyes, the feeling of love just engulfing between them.

"What is it Von?"

She spoke softly, tugging at his locs a little with her fingers.

"Can I be honest witchu, Mani?"

He went on. Normani just nodded her head, giving him her full attention.

"When we broke up 4 years ago, one of tha reasons why I thought it was best fa us ta go our separate ways, was really fa yo safety alone. I always knew tha risks we were taking wit us being together; n' I promise you, I'm not sayin' we shouldn't be together. I would literally die without you by my side-"

He reassured her, using his hand to gently squeeze her side.

"But, it's a lot of bad shit that has happened ta you in tha past, and that's all because of me-"

"Dayvon- baby please don't blame yourself for those things."

Normani frowned, cupping his face with her hands. She could see the slight sadness in his eyes as they both continued gazing at each other.

"I really try not to... but it's tha honest truth, Mani. I always feel like sum bad shit is always gon' happen ta you guys because of me; and that's sum that be heavy on my mind a lot , which is why I always find myself bein' so hard on you."

Normani felt her heart dropping from his words. The fact that Von seemed to be carrying this weight of guilt heavy on his chest was terrible. She didn't think it was fair that he felt this way constantly. But, it also gave her clarity as to why he was being so overprotective.

"I'm not tryna make you feel sad fa me or nun. I'm a grown man, I ca' handle my feelings n shit."

He insisted, attempting to lighten the mood. Normani just pouted her lips, her fingers caressing the back of his neck in a soothing manner.

"I know Von, but I hate that you feel this way. You shouldn't be blaming yourself for every bad thing that happens, especially to us."

She spoke softly.

"Those people out there that choose to hurt us has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them-"

"I know Mani, but I've done a lot of bad shit ta people in tha past. I can only see this as being my own karma now."

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