Chapter One: The Facility

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The meal placed before you was a clumpy, greyish sludge. You scan the cafeteria surrounding you while jabbing at the mush with your spoon, having lost any trace of an appetite. The sterile feel of the architecture fills you with a lingering discomfort, and you begin to reminisce about the lower levels of the facility. Your mind is enveloped in colour and overwhelming feelings of regret and nostalgia, things were easier then... the ignorance that filled you as a child made your time here a lot more tolerable. Once you turned eighteen, you were moved into the upper levels to be properly moulded into the founder's perception of the perfect adult. The day you were taken from your parents is a hazy memory, their faces long gone from your mind. Up until your fifth birthday they had prepared you for this event. They told stories of all the opportunities you would be presented and how they could never provide such an outstanding upbringing for you. Although very young, you could tell... you could tell they were merely concealing their fears in hopes of preventing you from developing your own. No parent wants their child ripped from them, especially at such a young age, but they knew of what was to come if they did not oblige.

The snippets of information presented to you during this past year or so had led you to discover aspects of the truth about this facility. It is said that the purpose is to give all children equal opportunities and create the 'perfect' adults, but that was far from what had been occurring. Children are removed from their parents and placed in the lower levels of the building so they can partake in the beginning stages of education; which are intended to lull you into a false sense of security and trust. They spend years enforcing a specific way of life as a means to brainwash youth and maintain their compliance. Once the children come of age and exude the idea of perfection set in place, they are permitted to leave. Of course, the reality is much more complex. Instead of blissful freedom, they are met with the expectation to marry and procreate with a being of the government's choosing. Breeding... that's all we ever amount to, we are no different from cattle. You are jolted from your thoughts as a familiar chime signifies the end of a meal, not that you partook in it anyway. You leave your table, loosely grasping the tray as your mind wanders, ruminating your next move or means of escape. Your vision darkens, as a tall figure blocks your path.

Namjoon, one of the overseers, smiles politely at you, his dimples now on display. "I can take that for you if you'd like" he states while gesturing to your tray of uneaten food. You thank him with a small smile, sliding the tray into his hands; your fingers brushing against his ever so slightly. The sudden contact causes you to pull away abruptly, knocking your cup of water off of the tray and onto the linoleum at your feet. You apologize profusely and dart your eyes around, looking for something to help clean the mess you've made. He chuckles a little in response, pulling a napkin from his pocket before leaning down to assist. "I got this, you head out before you get reprimanded again. You don't want to be late for your assessment, right?". The warning chime that follows his inquiry confirms just how much time you've wasted, you thank him and head towards the two large exit doors; looking back to wave before heading to your room. After rushing through many hallways, you arrive at your door, out of breath and your forehead slightly glazed in sweat. You struggle to find your key card, eyes anxiously glancing down the halls to your left and right in search of curfew security. Footsteps approach and you fumble with the card, hands shaking, unable to get a successful read from the automated lock. You curse under your breath and jam the card into the slot, finally triggering the unlock tone.

You reach for the handle, turning it and pulling the door open. Your body moves forward to enter, but something stops you in your tracks; the footsteps from earlier have ceased and you feel eyes drinking you in. The hair on your arms stand on end and your hands clam up from the adrenaline. You hesitantly turn to face the end of the hall where the sound last originated from, but to your surprise, there's no one there... at least not that you can see in the dim lighting. For a moment, what you think is someone's head darts behind the corner of the left turn at the end of the hall, perhaps your anxiety is playing tricks on you. You ignore the nausea that is swept over you and enter the room, the door automatically locking after it's been shut. A sigh of relief exits your mouth, despite being unsure as to whether or not you actually saw someone, you're at ease behind a locked door. The feeling of watched lingers on your skin, it felt intense... almost hungry, like you were prey to be hunted. You shake the feeling off and stare into the mirror, your sickly completion prominent. Your lack of sleep and meals have unfortunately caught up to you, the absence of nutrients and energy painted on your face. The computer at your desk springs to life and greets you, asking you to prepare for your usual assessment. You answer its questions, pacing, while being sure to abstain from giving all the correct responses.

Your goal is to avoid suspicion and find a means of escape, answer all the questions correctly, and only the life of a breeder awaits. You crave true freedom, control over yourself and your existence. Although escaping is your only option, the results of those who have tried makes you weary. You've only heard stories of the Red Room thus far, an area designed to be the facility's most extensive form of punishment. Those who have had the misfortune of enduring said punishment have never come out mentally sound enough to explain their experience, that in of itself has made the room and its technology infamous. The voice of the computer's AI rips you from your thoughts, "Your results are in, the founder has given you the grade of near perfection. A few more tries and you're on the way to receiving your greatest reward, entering the final stage and leaving the facility. Keep trying Y/N! The founder has high hopes for you". The sound of the chime insinuating the next part of the daily schedule fills your ears as a crackly voice erupts from the speaker on the ceiling. "Free time for sector B has commenced, make your way to the gathering area". All the doors are remotely unlocked, signifying the end of curfew and the assessments for everyone in your sector.

You grab your recreation card from your desk drawer and trudge down the dimly lit hall towards the gathering area, the spacious room developed to be a place to study and socialize. At this point in time, there was only one other attendee you felt you could trust. His name was Yoongi, he was a few years older than you and had a seemingly cold demeanour, so unfortunately, not many others here felt comfortable conversing with him. You felt similarly to them in the beginning, but soon realized that he's just blunt and has a bad case of resting bitch face. He's quite caring once you get to know him, in an awkward elder brother kind of way. Your eyes search for said acquaintance, squinting under the bright, white lights. Suddenly his dark fluffy hair occupies the corner of your field of vision. He's sitting alone with his head on the table, presumably sleeping as per usual. You approach him cautiously, doing your best to avoid disturbing his slumber. Yoongi hated being woken up before his dreams had finished, sleeping was his only escape from the shithole you both have been imprisoned in. He springs from his chair, gasping and gripping his shirt, practically clawing at his chest to kickstart his lungs. The sudden movement causes you to jolt slightly. "Another nightmare, huh?" You say, your hand reaching to comfort him, only to be firmly smacked away.

Relief washes over him as his eyes meet yours and he apologizes, "Sorry... I didn't realize it was you". His mind seems to be elsewhere, most likely preoccupied by the nightmares that have been plaguing his mind as of recent. A tinge of pity flashes onto your face, it's a shame he can't even relax in his sleep. "Oh don't look at me with those eyes, I'm fine" he grumbles, slowly descending back into his seat with a yawn, blinking sleepily. You smile a little while observing him, wondering how anyone could find this man intimidating or unapproachable. His mannerisms are almost catlike, the thought alone makes you chuckle to yourself. He glances at you, his brows furrowed and etched with confusion. "What's so funny?" he asks, almost annoyed that he is unable to read your expression and determine what thoughts you have of him. You shake your head dismissively, offering to buy him a drink as a means to change the subject. After much convincing he reluctantly agrees. You dig through your pockets, fingers grazing your recreation card. After making your way there you realize the selections at the vending machine are scarce and settle on an electrolyte drink for Yoongi, and a small bag of chips for yourself. After tapping the card on the sensor, your ears are met with an unexpected sound "Card declined, insufficient recreation points". Frustration and embarrassment fill you, the others waiting in line for their turn tap their feet in annoyance. You could've sworn you had more points than that. 

An intense gaze glosses over you, making your skin burn with humiliation. You turn to look at Yoongi for assistance, but your eyes meet the chest of someone tall and bulky. They travel upwards, locking with the soft brown irises of Namjoon, the overseer from this morning. He flashes a smile, dimples once again forming on his flawless caramel skin. Without a word, he taps his card, purchasing the items for you before you can even disagree. You try to thank him but are cut off by a deep chuckle and an almost flirtatious grin, "Let's just say that you owe me".


Hey, it's been literal fucking years since I've written anything on here. Figured I'd come back and give it another shot. If y'all show interest in this little snippet, I'll try to rewrite and finish all of my past works.

Sincerely, Ethan.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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