Chapter 41

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They easily entered the town after Adam finished, leaving a sobbing Mark behind. The crowd didn't mutter a word as they bypassed them and directly entered after having their identities checked by the guards. They didn't stop the fox, having seen what happened to the adventurer. They knew that they shouldn't bother such a strong man or it would be their hand that would be sent flying next.

Blaze trotted in the middle of the couple, keeping his head up like a proud young master with his tail swinging gracefully behind him.

As they walked by an alley, Adam was suddenly forced inside it by strong hands that tackled him to the wall. The warrior started to gather mana at his fingertips to freeze his opponent, but then Evan's scent engulfed him. Before he could question him, burning lips fell down on his neck, teeth grazing his skin and making him shudder in pleasure. Adam gasped as Evan ruthlessly marked him, leaving hickeys all over his neck to show ownership.

Their members twisted into a melee without head and tail, their body so close that it was nearly as if they had fused. The couple created a pleasurable friction between their clothes and skin, a painful burn taking place in some places as they violently grasped at each other. Both men sported painful erections and tried to get off by rubbing against each other, small groans leaving their mouths as they came closer to cumming.

Adam let out breathless moans as Evan squeezed his butt cheeks in his rough hands.

The warrior intertwined his fingers in the giant's brown locks, tugging at the strands of soft hair.

"You were so fucking hot earlier, master." Evan whispered before nipping Adam's collarbone. The warrior let out a small cry and Evan immediately felt teeth snapping at his pants. Looking down with his forehead on Adam's shoulder, the giant saw Blaze glaring at him with threatening eyes. Evan rolled his eyes before continuing to leave his marks all over Adam.

However, as he enticed another painful moan from the shorter man, Evan felt a burning sensation on his leg. The giant looked down with furrowed brow, making Adam look to the floor too.

"Oh shit, you're on fire!" The warrior shouted, quickly coming out of his aroused state.

Adam got down on his knees before Evan, forming an ice prison around the giant's left leg, where a fire had been set by the mischievous fox. Even though the slave enjoyed seeing his master on his knees before him, having his leg on fire was far too annoying to enjoy the situation fully. Blaze snorted as the giant glared at him, turning his head up to the side and perfectly ignoring him.

After the fire was put out, a large dark circle proudly stood on Evan's white trousers, giving him a funny look. Adam had to pinch his thigh to keep himself from laughing, but as a light chuckle escaped his mouth, his bottom was suddenly spanked. A yelp left his mouth at the sting, but he also had to clench his thighs together to hide the fact that his dick hardened slightly at the burn.

Looking at the grumbling man, Adam mentally let out a sigh of relief as he realized that the giant didn't see his physical reaction.

The warrior followed the slave as the latter headed out of the alley he had abducted his lover in, discreetly giving a wink to his little pet. Of course, he would have loved to continue their intercourse, but not in a dark alley in the middle of a busy town. He much preferred the comfort of a private room. Blaze had been a great help in bringing them back to earth.

The couple headed to the merchant guild, where Bastien was waiting for them with their reward. The dryad welcomed them with open arms as they entered the guild, having been waiting just beside the door as it had taken quite a while for them to come back.

"I was just about to go looking for you, what took you- Oh, I see." Bastien started in a fake worried voice, only to stop and look at them with dead eyes as he noticed the dark purple hickeys covering Adam's neck. He also noted the dishevelate state they were in, their hair all over the place and their clothes wrinkled. His expression became empty, but everyone could tell that Bastien was jealous and more than done of being fed dog food.

"You must have been busy, my apologies. I shall let you be free after giving you your reward." Still with dead fish eyes, the dryad handed them a pouch full of coins with a smile, looking like he was done with life. The two partners held back from making any comment as they took it, but Blaze still snickered like he understood the situation.

Adam may have felt embarrassed in the past, but now, he was more than happy to show off Evan's creations.

Bastien slowly left while dragging his feat, swaying from left to right as if he had taken a great blow. It was strange as the merchant had surely noticed the way the two men were sticking to each other, but it seemed that knowing it and seeing it were two different things.

"Mmm? What's that?" Adam asked as he noticed a strange rectangular object laying on a box beside the departing merchant. His curiosity was picked. Bastien looked at what the warrior was referring to and his face instantly lit up like a christmas tree.

"That's a smartphone! I was told it was used by ancient people before The Great Descent! It lit up after putting lightning magic in it." The dryad exclaimed, taking the object with a towel and holding it carefully so they could see it. The dark ebony surface suddenly lit up after Bastien lightly touched it, showing a blue interface with small white spots on it. The couple looked at it with curious eyes, having never seen anything change like this without a trace of magic.

People before The Great Descent sure had interesting things.

Hey dear readers, school is finally over for a month now!

I'm hoping to stock some chapters before another semester starts haha

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See ya next update :)

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