Chapter 40

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Specialz by King Gnu~

The couple walked hand in hand toward the town, the fox following them with a slight trot in its steps. It had understood that it had been accepted by the taller man, which meant that he could stay with its master, and that he also had a new one.

As they approached the towering walls surrounding Dispel in the form of a circle, they could see the queue of people trying to enter. When they had been with the merchant, they had entered by the commercial entry, making it so they didn't need to show their pass or wait with the others. Also, Bastien had a high grade pass with the merchant guild so he didn't even need to be inspected. The guards hadn't seen the fox, but now it could lead to some trouble.

Passerbys turned to look at the two men with disheveled appearance, and as some started to snicker at the obvious nail marks on their arms and backs, a growling sound made them flinch. Looking down, small cries could be heard in the queue as they noticed the fox at their feet. The beast showed its canines, snarling at the people mocking its masters. It could smell the malice coming off of them in waves.

"Q-quick! A monster!" A man with a beer belly shouted, holding a petite woman in his arms. The man discreetly hid behind his companion, trying to look courageous while standing tall, but obviously scared. A small ruckus attracted more people's attention, until a man with a scar across his eyebrow approached the oblivious couple still in their little bubble.

"I'm Mark, an adventurer, and I shall slay the beast. You two, step farther if you don't want my sword to hurt you." Mark said, proudly puffing out his torso as he took big strides toward them. Evan and Adan finally realized the situation around them.

"Oh, no, you don't need to. It's with us." Adam said, trying to calm the panicking crowd. He hoped that they wouldn't cause any trouble. Bastien was still waiting for them. However, the adventurer's reaction didn't reassure him as Mark's brow furrowed before he spit on the ground just before the warrior's feet. Adam blinked and Mark flinched back as the dark skinned man held out his arms at an incredible speed. The adventurer thought he was going to hit him, but instead, Adam put his arm before Evan.

"Don't worry, I can deal with him myself." Adam stopped Evan as he sensed that the giant was going to murder Mark. The adventurer stepped back as he felt the intense murder intent from Evan. One second too late and Evan would have disappeared and chopped off the man's head. Still, Adam was now accustomed to such displays of protectiveness and reacted on time. If Mark was killed in front of the gates, it could lead to trouble.

Evan grunted, obviously displeased from being stopped. The man had no right to spit so arrogantly before his lover. The spit nearly touched his hedgehog's boots. If it had, he would have force fed the shoe to the adventurer.

"Don't stop him! Monsters should be killed on sight!" A woman in the queue screamed as she shook her fist above her head. Soon, others started to join in a killing chant, encouraging the adventurer to just kill them both with the fox as they had dared to stop him. Adam could feel Evan starting to get agitated. Of course, his face was still impassive, but the man had enough experience to notice the slight twitch in his jaw and the tremor in his fingers, ready to rip the throat of the people before him. Adam would need to step in soon, or his lover would do a massacre.

Mark, his courage found again with the crowd's encouragement, charged with a cry, holding his sword up in front of him and ready to pierce the two lovers. His pride had been hurt and he already disliked the two lovers because he couldn't understand how two men could love each other. Now, he could care less if he killed another human. He could find excuses with the guards and the crowd would support him no matter what.

A shout left his mouth as he got ready to swing his sword.


A clanging sound was heard, followed by gasps.

Everyone watched with wide eyes as Adam held a spear that appeared out of nowhere at Mark's throat. In a matter of seconds, the adventurer's sword had been sent flying a few meters away and he was now on his butt, not understanding what had happened for him to suddenly be on the ground with a spear to his throat. Adam didn't hesitate to instantly pierce the adventurer's foot with his spear, letting his chilling mana flow out and freeze Mark's whole leg.

"That's for spitting before me." Mark's screams resonated in the area as the big man cried while holding his foot which now had a gaping hole in it. Because of Adam's magic, the wound couldn't close and would need to be thawed before it could be healed with a potion. That is, of course, if the adventurer had money for such a prized potion.

No one dared to utter a word for fear of angering the dark skinned warrior looking down with an unbothered face at the man with a scar on his face crying at his feet.

"Now, what should I do to punish you for trying to kill my husband and me, along with our pet?" Adam whispered as he crouched down before Mark, keeping a certain distance not to anger his big vinegar jar, but also close enough so he would appear more menacing. The warrior could care less about the spit, he had only extracted revenge to cool Evan's anger. However, the murder intent he had felt from the man sobbing before him had been real, and had awakened a beast inside him. He had enough of being on the receiving side, always taking blows without fighting back. Maybe people thought that only Evan was dangerous in their relationship, that they could mess with him because he fought back less often and had a habit of trying to avoid problems. His family, his family's guards and all the estate's servants had spent their sweet time torturing him in all the ways possible. They thought he was inoffensive and weak-willed.

They were wrong.

His morals were as fucked up as Evan's ones.

He would have no remorse in killing everyone, including innocents.

And he would get his revenge. One day the whole Salvoski family would be exterminated.

Mark looked around to find someone ready to defend him, but was met with backs turned toward him. The crowd that had been screaming for him to fight now couldn't utter a single sound and didn't even dare looking at them.

"P-please! I won't do it again! Please don't kill me!" The big burly man started to beg, twisting his body so that he was on his hands and knees, even though his foot hurt like hell. The pathetic man truly was a sight to behold, but it could do nothing to quench the couple's thirst for blood.

"What do you think we should do, Blaze?" Adam asked and Evan titled his head, wondering if it was his new pet name, only to see the fox's head turn toward his lover with much enthusiasm. It looked at Adam with burning eyes, clearly asking if it was his new name. The warrior nodded subtly, having had the idea on the spot. It was quite fitting with the fox's fur. It reminded Adam of cooling lava, with a dark top but fiery red liquid under it, only showing through the scarce cracks on it. The melanistic fox truly deserved such a name.

Blaze, having understood that Adam was asking his opinion, approached the adventurer fearlessly, swinging his fluffy tail from side to side. With a graceful move, the fox placed his paw on the man's hand.

Mark didn't dare move as he started to wet his pants, understanding what was going to happen as Adam fully got up and swung his spear toward his arm.

Now, no one would dare bother them.

Hey dear readers, Adam can be quite merciless hehehe

Do you think he went too far or that it was well deserved ?

I'm so obsessed with this song! It was playing on repeat as I wrote this chapter haha

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