❄️🖤 Suitcase And Yarn's Happy Gothic Look Day!❄️🖤

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It Was A Good Wednesday In The Cold Arctic Yarn Was At Suitcase's House Talking To Her "Hey Suitcase! Wasn't It A Good Wednesday To Do Something Fun?" "Yeah! What Do You Wanna Do? And It's Gotta Be Black And Dark Clothing?" "Goth Girls!" "Yeah! Goth Girls! That Sounds Like A Great Idea!" "Come With Me In My Room To Get Dresses!" "Ok!" So Suitcase Took Yarn To Her Room To And Dressed Up Like Goth Girls "Ok! Yarn Let's Look And Ourselves!" "Ok!" "See Look!" "Wow! I Look Like A Haunted Girl!" "Yeah! And I Look Like The Purple Night! So, You're Ready To Go Hang Out?" "Yeah!" "Ok! Let's Go!" So Suitcase Went With Yarn As Goth Girls "Ok, Where Do You Want To Go First?" "I Wanna Go To The Deli Store Then, The Snow Cone Place!" "Ok! Let's Go To The Deli Store!" So The Girls Went To The Deli Store And Went Inside "Hello Girls! What Do You Want?" "I Want Chewy Candy And Yarn Wants A Chocolate Bar!" "Ok! Here You Go Girls!" "Thank You!" "You're Welcome!" "Alright Yarn, Let's Go The Snow Cone Place!" "Ok!" So Suitcase Followed Yarn To The Snow Cone Place "Hello Young Ladies! What Flavor Do You Like?" "I Want Cherry, And She Would Like Blackberry!" "Ok, Coming Right Up!" -A Minute Later- "Alright Ladies, Here's Your Snow Cones!" "Thank You So Much!" "No Problem!" "So Yarn, How Was Your Blackberry Snow Cone?" "It Was Delicious!" "Ok! And It's Time For You To Go Home! So I'll See You Tomorrow! Bye!" "Bye Suitcase!" -When She Got Back Home- "Wow! That Was The Best Gothic Day Ever! Now It's Bedtime For Mee!" -Puts Her Clothes On- "Wow! That Was The Best Goth Day Ever! Tomorrow, It's Our Best Friend Day! But Now, Good Night Wednesday, See You Tomorrow Thursday!"

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