You're safe with me

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A/N: I've decided to post some oneshots that I myself got the idea from, I just don't have the time/motivation to write request atm 😖 This is omegaverse, so it does contain mentions of mpreg, but it's not vivid. This contains mentions of domestic abuse (a pattern of abusive behavior toward an intimate partner in a dating or family relationship, where the abuser exerts power and control over the victim), PTSD and Muzan has a panick attack.

Muzan sighed softly, walking next to his new husband, Tsugikuni Michikatsu. The alpha was a samurai, and a feared one at that.

They'd just gotten married, a year after Muzan divorced his ex. He remember the man, a man full of anger. He'd hit Muzan if he didn't do something on a certain time, he'd starve Muzan if he made the food a little too spicy.

Muzan shivered when he remembered it. 


Muzan snapped out of his thoughts, slowly turning his head towards Michikatsu. "Yes, master?" Muzan was afraid, Michikatsu's tone scared Muzan and he hoped he hadn't angered the other.

Michikatsu pulled something out of his sleeve, which made Muzan flinch and put his hands in front of his head. 

Michikatsu frowned and walked closer. He slowly put Muzan's hands away and kissed his forehead. "There's nothing to be afraid of, dear."

Muzan stared at the ground, tears falling down his cheeks. "So...sorry", he stuttered, his breath hitching. Tears fell down the omega's eyes, trying to wipe his tears.

The alpha gently put his hand on Muzan's cheek and hugged him. "Shhh... I have a gift for you." He gave Muzan a gentle smile, trying to calm the smaller down. Michikatsu grapped the hairpin and gently put it in Muzan's hair. 

Muzan stared at the hairpin, putting his hand on the silver piece. "It... it's very pretty..." 

Michikatsu smiled. "I'm happy you like it." He took Muzan's hand and kissed it. "Shall we go home, my husband?" 

Stars appeared in Muzan's eyes, a blush on his cheeks. "Yes... husband..." As he said so, Michikatsu picked him up bridal style and carried him home.

Muzan was making dinner, it was a hot summer day and he couldn't help but feel dizzy. He felt like he was going to faint.

As he cut the vegetable, he cut his palm and hissed at pain. Muzan dropped the knife, making the blood splat on the ground. 

Muzan gasped and quickly grabbed the knife, frowning when he cut himself again. 


Muzan yelped when Michikatsu's arms were around his waist. "M-master?" 

Michikatsu walked up to him and gently took the knife. "I told you dear, you can call me Michi. Are you alright?"

Muzan nodded rapidly. "Yes... I'll clean it up-"

The taller gently grabbed his hand and started to clean the wound. "Muzan. Darling, I don't care about the floor, I care about you. My darling, you are the most precious thing to me, and I don't want you to be afraid of me." 

Michikatsu cleaned the wound, putting a bandage on it. "You're tired, aren't you?"

The paler man slowly frowned softly and looked away. "Uh... yes..." he sighed and hugged Michikatsu. "I-I'm sorry... I... I just don't want to... to..." He sobbed in Michikatsu's arms as Michikatsu caressed his hair.

"Shhh... it's okay, it's okay...", he gently picked the other up and walked to the bedroom. "Darling, I promise that everything will be okay, mh? You don't need to obey me", he kissed Muzan's forehead.

A soft tear fell down Muzan's cheek. He slowly nodded, holding Michikatsu's arm. "Alright..."

It had been 3 years since Muzan had been married with Michikatsu. Muzan really couldn't be happier with the other, he'd been giving him flowers, hairpins, clothes, you name it!

Muzan walked through the house, searching for some water. "So warm..." he panted, holding the counter. "Fuck... what the...?" Muzan felt dizzy. 

He grunted and fell to his knees, panting. "Mich..." he gasped softly, biting his lip. 

After a bit, Muzan heard someone running towards him. "Love, are you okay?" It was Michikatsu.

"Michi..." Muzan turned to Michikatsu, his face bright red. "Alpha..." 

Michikatsu frowned and crouched down. "Darling, are you in heat?" 

Muzan shrugged slightly, unable to answer. It hurt, it really did. He couldn't speak and barely move.

Michikatsu nodded and gently picked Muzan up, walking to their shared bedroom. 

When Michikatsu entered, he quickly closed the door and walked to the futon. Michikatsu could smell Muzan's heat, prehaps the other forgot how it felt to be in one? It would make sense, concidering the stress he had to endure for years. 

Michikatsu layed Muzan on the futon, kissing his cheek. "Dear, everything will be okay, mh? Do you want me to help make a nest?" 

Slowly, Muzan shook his head. "I just want... you..." he gasped, his breath hitching.

Michikatsu nodded with a smile. "I'll get you something more conmfrotable, okay?" He then got up and grabbed a white yukata. Michikatsu put an arm under Muzan's lower back and helped him sit up.

"Michikatsu... can you... help me with it...?" Muzan asked in an unsure voice.

The alpha gave him a gentle smile,  nodding. "Of course, my love." He gently kissed Muzan's forehead.

Michikatsu took Muzan's white haori off, gently folding it. He then undid Muzan's obi sash and kimono. 

Muzan blushed and looked away in embaressment. 

"You're so pretty, angel."

Muzan covered his face with his hands. 

Michikatsu smiled as he helped Muzan put the yukata on. "My beautiful angel..." 

Michikatsu then sat next to Muzan, kissing his cheek. "Try and get some rest, okay?" 

Muzan nodded and nuzzled into Michikatsu's arms, purring softly. "Michi...?"

"Yes, darling?"

"Can... can I have some water...? It's... warm..." Muzan looked down, his eyes half lidded. 

Michikatsu nodded and got up. "I'll be back, alright?"

A few minutes later Michikatsu returned with the water. "Here, darling." 

Muzan smiled and drank the water. "Thank you..." He purred softly as Michikatsu's hand ran through his hair. "Let's sleep, and tomorrow I'll find a doctor for heat suprements."

Muzan nodded with a small smile. "Okay..." He yawned.

"Sleep well angel." Michikatsu smiled, gently laying down and wrapping his arms around Muzan's waist.

"You too, Michi..." Muzan said before falling asleep.

Word count: 1016.

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