A story of a past love

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A/N: Kokushibou will be referred to as Miyashita Takahiro, and Muzan will be referred as Sheya after the flashback.

Muzan and Kokushibou walked through the forest. It was quiet, which they both liked. "Darling", Kokushibou said after a bit, which made Muzan open an eye and hum. "Yes?"

"You told me that you knew me in a past life. Could you... tell me about it?" Kokushibou asked, slowly wrapping an arm around Muzan's waist.

Muzan smiled softly. "Curious? That's unlike you, my love", he teased, wrapping an arm around Kokushibou's neck.

"That is not bad, is it?" Kokushibou smiled back, putting his hands on Muzan's hips.

The older hummed, slowly turning around again. "I suppose I could... But, we should go home, don't you think?"

The six-eyed demon nodded. "I suppose that would be the best."

Muzan snapped his finger, and in a second they were in their shared bedroom. Muzan had changed into a sleeping robe, while Kokushibou was still in his hakama pants and top. Muzan sat on the bed and pat the spot next to him.

Kokushibou had changed into a white sleeping yukata and sat next to Muzan. "Well, I first saw your past-self in the Heian court..."


Kibutsuji Muzan, or rather, Kibutsuji Sheya, walked through the halls of the Heian court, he had been cured from the disease he had been born with. However, a few things had changed. His first soft lavender eyes, filled with fear, dread and sorrow were now a bright red colour. His pupils slightly changed, his skin had become paler, his nails had grown.

Yet, people found him just as beautiful.


Sheya had been invited to a 'party' from the court, as he was successfully cured. "This is a waste of time, Kagaya", Sheya hissed at his older brother.

"I know, I know. Don't worry, we'll be gone before you know it", the older reassured, a smile plastered on his face.

"Perhaps you might even... find a lover", he smirked at the younger one.

"Don't be so foolish, love is nothing but a waste of time. Plus, they're nothing but old men, I'd rather kill myself than be married to any of them." Sheya said with a harsh tone, a vein on his head.

Kagaya couldn't help but laugh lightly. "Okay okay, but hey, I did hear that a youngster was in training", he smiled. "He's the heir of the Miyashita clan."

As they walked, Kagaya kept talking about all the people in the court, as if his younger brother was actually listening.

They arrived at the court. "It iss quite fancy, one of the only things humans are good in", the smaller demon said, looking around the court as they walked. The men of the court sat there, smiling.

Sheya gave them a quick smile before looking around again. He'd never been here, he was curious about all the things that happened here.

A handsome man sat next to the Miyashita clan leader, which Sheya assumed to be his son. Kagaya walked to the other men, while Sheya went to the corner.

"Hello, you are the Kibutsuji heir, am I correct?" a gentle voice said. It was Takahiro.

Sheya sighed softly before turning his head to the other. "Yes, what do you need?"
"Well, sir, since we're both heirs of our clans, I wish to be friends with you, Kibutsuji-san", he smiled and sat down. Takahiro was perhaps 23 years old, quite handsome to some degree and polite. "It truly is an honour to meet you, Kibutsuji-san."

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