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New day, new plans. Sana had suggested staying in the villa in the morning, since there was a swimming pool. They all liked the idea and wore bikinis. Sana had also proposed leaving the bikinis aside but this proposal was not accepted.

-Use a lot of sunscreen, Dahyun.- Momo told her, spreading it on her back.

-You too Mina. Protect yourself. I would never want the sun to burn your beautiful porcelain skin.- Chaeyoung told her. Maybe too much for a simple friend.

-Ji, will you put sunscreen on my back?- Nayeon asked.

-I finish putting it on Tzuyu and I'll come.

-I'll do it.- Jeongyeon told her, taking the tube from her hand.

-No, don't worry.

-Nay, let's not make things awkward. We are friends. What happened has happened. I'm putting cream on your back, not on your tits. Well... If you want...

-What a fantastic idea! Tzuyu, do you need cream on your tits?- Sana exclaimed.

-Help me.- the Taiwanese said desperately.

-I advise you to put it at least in the neckline. It's the most delicate part.- Jeongyeon said putting some on her hand and touching the exposed part of Nayeon's breast, who didn't know what to do. Jeongyeon's phone rang and the girl picked it up from the coffee table and answered without any problems, continuing to spread the cream on Nayeon. -Love... What are we doing?- she asked continuing to touch and look at Nayeon's neckline. -We're in the pool. Yes, I put the sunscreen on.- Nayeon bit her lower lip and closed her eyes because, as embarrassed as she was, that sensation was pleasant. -No, we don't really talk to each other, don't worry. But honey, it's been ten years. But imagine if I fall in love again and then she's married.- All that conversation was happening as she continued to calmly apply the cream on her ex, the one he was supposed to stay away from. Nayeon opened her eyes and frowned at those statements. She slowly lowered her shoulder, managing to drop the strap and, with a few slow movements, managed to discover one of the two nipples. Jeongyeon, who still had her gaze on her cleavage, stopped moving and looked at that red nub that had appeared out of nowhere. Her breathing seemed to have stopped. Charlotte, on the other end, called her a couple of times. -Huh!? Yes I'm here. Sorry, Sana called me.- she said, taking her hands off Nayeon and turning around, trying to regain her lucidity.

Jihyo raised an eyebrow, having been watching the whole scene, but found herself having to chase after Sana, who had stolen her sunscreen to put on Tzuyu. Nayeon smiled with satisfaction and raised her strap, while observing the back of a Joengyeon, who, still agitated, was talking to her girlfriend. Yes, girlfriend, Nayeon should not forget this. She simply hated that, right in front of her, she was telling her girlfriend that she couldn't love her. If she had to say it, she should've had the decency to do it when Nayeon wasn't around.

-Do you think Nayeon did it on purpose?- Chaeyoung asked in the pool with Mina.

-It's obvious. First love is never forgotten. I think if Jeongyeon didn't have Charlotte, she would have already jumped on her.

-But Nay is married.

-They're getting a divorce.

-Oh... Jeongyeon told me that she would cheat on Charlotte with Nay.

Mina looked at her worriedly. -I hope nothing happens. I would feel sorry for Charlotte.


-We've talked a lot about me, but what can you tell me? Isn't there anyone you're interested in or in touch with?

Chaeyoung seemed to think about it, even though she already knew the answer. -No, I don't think so.

The two no longer knew what to say to each other, so they remained silent and observed the others.

Jeongyeon ended the call and placed the phone on the coffee table. -Sorry about earlier but Charlotte is a bit jealous.- she said sitting down on the bed.

-Of course, I understand.- Nayeon replied. -Are you staying here?

-Yes, I'll get some sun.

-Do you mind if I come here to tan?- she asked her, placing her head on her legs and her legs bent.

Jeongyeon swallowed. -Not at all.

-But won't it bother Charlotte?

-You and I are friends, right? Nothing I wouldn't do with Jihyo or Chae.- She continued to observe her. -Of course the count is lucky.

-I don't think he thinks like you.

-Oh no?

-No, since he cheated on me, in this exact villa, in the exact bed where you and I sleep.

Jeongyeon swallowed. She didn't know exactly what to say. -I am sorry. I had no idea. I would never have made those jokes if I had known.

-Don't worry. We're getting a divorce.

-Why didn't you tell me?

-Why should I?


-Oh God Nay! I'm so sorry!- Sana said as she approached the two. -Do you want to change rooms?

-No, don't worry. That's fine.

-If you want our room, you can take it.- Chaeyoung said from the pool.

-Yes, maybe you can go with Sana and Tzuyu and Jihyo comes to me.- Jeongyeon proposed.

-Really, it's fine. It's time we made new memories in this house.

-Then let's have as much fun as we can!- Momo exclaimed. -Come on! Come and take a bath.

-Now that she has free reign I wonder what he will do.- Mina whispered to Chaeyoung referring to Jeongyeon.

-Why did Nayeon feel the need to tell her? I'm afraid that she's just jealous of Charlotte, because she's her historical rival, and she doesn't feel anything for Jeong. But Jeongyeon could be deluding herself and I would be sorry.

-It would still be her fault. She should leave Charlotte.- Mina replied.

Crazy week|2YEON|TWICE|ENGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant