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"Have you heard? There's a new Harbinger that just got chosen."

"Yeah, Brighella was it? I heard she's very strong."

"You can get chosen for that spot?"

"I guess if the Tsaritsa acknowledges you, it's not impossible."

Word spread like wildfire about the new Harbinger, it has only been a week since, but it seems like they were going out of their way to let people know. And they did let them know, fast.


"Have you heard of the new Harbinger?" word from Inazuma.

"Brighella? I heard she was chosen for the sake of the Fatui's Innamorati." another civilian said as they walked on the streets of Inazuma city. As they went past, a certain firework maker's attention was caught.

"Do you think they'll feature her on the Steambird?" the civilian asked.

"Maybe, I heard she and Tartaglia are the Innamorati. It would be big if a Harbinger couple will make headlines." the other said.

"Tartaglia?" Yoimiya asked the passersby.

The two faced her. "Ah, Yoimiya! We didn't notice you there." They both waved.

Yoimiya greeted with a wave back. "I was just standing around afterall. Hello to you!"

"You were saying about Tartaglia?" Yoimiya asked.

"Oh, you were curious about that?"

"Yeah, where did you hear that news?" Yoimiya asked.

"A few shogunate members were talking about it, apparently some of the Fatui were bragging about their new Harbinger." The civilian shrugged.

"So the new member is Brighella?" Yoimiya asked.

"Yeah, Tartaglia's lover." The other civilian confirmed.

"I see." Yoimiya's eyebrows furrowed. She heard that name somewhere... But where?

"Do you think they'll try being the Snezhnaya Representative? You know, like La Signora." The two continued to gossip.

The other civilian made a unsure face. "I don't know, with what happened last time? Probably not."

"What? But we have the Traveller and Captain Ajax on our side. I heard many great things from the Shogunate about them."

After hearing that, it was as if a puzzle piece slid into place and Yoimiya finally found that one information she was trying to remember.

"That's it!" She said enthusiastically.

"Right? With them on our side–"

"It was great talking to you, I just remembered something urgent. Pops needs my help." She said, however, running to the direction opposite of their shop.

The two civilian looked at each other then just shrugged at Yoimiya sprinted away.


"Ayaka! Ayaka!" Yoimiya yelled out as the moment she caught a glimpse of light blue hair.

The Kamisato siblings were in Inazuma city, near the Tenryou Commission. They just finished up official matters and were on their way back home.

"Yoimiya?" Ayaka looked at her surprised. "What brings you here?" she asked.

"It's about Lumine and Ajax." Yoimiya said.

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