Distant Crackling

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"Paimon, has Ajax already eaten yet?" Thoma knocked on the door.

Paimon, who was patiently waiting by the side of the traveler, nodded her head. "Yep, he ate a lot which is good. He also said he'll go train outside for a little while which is also good."

"Train?" Thoma asked, clearly confused and worried.

"Yeah. Don't worry, he said he'll be back by dinner. Finally he'll get some fresh air for a change." Paimon nodded to herself.

"I see. Well, my lady asked to check up on you three so I hope everything is also going well on your side?" Thoma asked.

Paimon pursed her lips and looked at the traveler. "Well, it could be a little better." She said.

Thoma simply sighed. "Yeah." He said.

He then let himself in and sat beside Paimon. "Everyone's getting more and more worried." He said letting another sigh out.

"Lumine, when are you going to wake up?" Paimon asked.

Another knock was then heard from the door, though Thoma left it open. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The person said.

"Waka, you're home early. I haven't finished cooki-"

"It's okay Thoma, it's still too early anyway." He said. "It seems her other companion is not present at the moment?"

"He's out training." Paimon answered.

"I see. The Divine Priestess of Watatsumi island is here today." Ayato announced.

"I shall get the tea ready." Thoma said, quickly rushing to the kitchen.

It wasn't a rare occurence for healers to visit the Kamisato Estate. It's through their help that Lumine isn't having any physical problems. Magic is basically what's giving her sustenance in her state.

"Hello Paimon." The Priestess waved.

"Kokomi, glad to see you again." Paimon waved as well.

"I shall leave her to your care." Ayato said. Kokomi then nodded. After that, ayato exited the room and Kokomi proceeded with her healing.


When Childe went back he was drenched in sweat and full of bandages. He was greeted by the Yashiro commissioner and his guests as he passed by, much to his disappointment. He didn't expect anyone else but Thoma to be at the room.

"Ajax, care to join us?" Ayato offered.

"I'm honored, but I'm not really in a presentable state at the moment so I'd have to decline." He laughed.

"Well then, I'll have Thoma help you get ready if you want." Ayato insisted.

It was no use, him living under that roof at the moment would not help him make any excuses.

"No need, I'll just take a quick bath and join you." He said.

"Wonderful." Ayato smiled.

And just as he said, he did take a quick bath and joined them.

In the main room of the Kamisato Estate, they all sat on the zabuton in front of a table where they served the tea.

In front of Childe was Ayato and on his left was Kokomi. Thoma sat behind Ayato while Kokomi's plus one, Gorou, sat behind her.

It almost feels like an official tea party hosted by Ayato. Though it was not as he thought it would go, Childe did imagine this happening, only he imagined this would only have happened if he was still a Snezchnayan diplomat.

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