Take Care

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Silas is a 5 year old homeschooled boy who is very kind and gentle. He falls ill easily, so his parents don't have him go to daycare. He is very self conscious as he does still on occasion have bladder problems, mostly when he's sick. He woke up to his mom putting a pull-up on him.

"Mommy?" he murmured as his tired eyes looked up, seeing her get him settled. She gave him the cough medicine after.

"I'm sorry baby. You wet the bed earlier, but you're all cleaned up now." She lightly pat the pull-up on her son and bent over to kiss his forehead before reapplying the cool compress. "Sleep tight." Silas realized he started to wet the diaper a little.

"I need potty, mommy," he mumbled as she pat his head sympathetically. His throat was hoarse as he coughed.

"I'm sorry Silas, but you need to stay in bed. We won't make it there if you're already going," she explained as she heard him already gently peeing. She knew he was ashamed as he held back a sob. She didn't like seeing him feel so helpless, but his bladder was pretty weak when he was sick. He coughed a few more times, peeing more as tears started to form in his eyes.

"It won't stop," he cried as his mother gently pat his brown hair more.

"Silas, you're sick. It can't be helped. The pull-up is keeping the bed dry. It's working, and you're protected," she assured him. "Please get some sleep."

His mom stayed with him until the medicine kicked in. Silas began to get sleepy. His bladder grew weaker, filling warm pee slowly in his pullups. It didn't help that his legs were spread out, relaxing his muscles more. He didn't want to admit that the pullups did bring him some comfort as they were quite soft. He could feel them puff up a little and expand. His blue eyes grew heavier as he drifted off. He continued to gently pee into it, unable to control the flow as the warmth surrounded him. His mom felt the new diaper and let out a soft sigh. It was already wet as he slept contently in it. She changed him again. He didn't wake up this time though.

His dad checked on him later around midnight. He slept through another diaper change.

"He's out like a light," he told his wife. "His pull-ups barely saved the bed."

"I think we'll have to stock up on more diapers, John. His fever is too high and he can barely stay awake. It's only been two days, and we're already almost out of the pack," his mom sighed a little."

"I'll pick up a few night time ones for him, Darcy. Hopefully he feels better soon," John said as he added it to the list.

The next morning Silas woke up groggily. He realized he soaked the pullups and wet the bed. The stench of the urine was strong. The pull-up was bulged between his legs. To his horror and frustration, he realized he was still peeing! He tried weakly to hold it in, but his bladder refused to cooperate. He had no strength to sit up. Just as he was about ready to cry his mom came in the room. Right away she smelled the scent of the room. His bladder finally finished emptying.

"Oh dear, you had an accident again," she said gently as she opened the dresser drawer, pulling out new sheets. "John, can you help Silas shower? He's still burning up," she called out through the hallway. John tended to his son in the bathroom while Darcy made the bed again. John had bought a heavy duty chux protector for the bed earlier as well as both night time and daytime diapers. Darcy added the new chux to the bed. John finished helping his son clean up and put him in a new diaper with a booster in it. Unlike the pullups he was wearing the last few days, the diaper had 4 tabs and a thicker material around the crotch. It looked big on his small figure.

"Daddy, do I have to wear these all day?" he asked before coughing more. John pat Silas' head. He could already hear Silas peeing a little from his coughing fit. Silas didn't even notice until he looked down and saw the wet indicator on his crotch turn blue a little. "H-how do I stop it?" He cried from frustration. John knelt down and pulled his son into a gentle hug. Silas was suffering, but at least they had options.

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