Her words must hit their mark, for it's not until Nero licks my face that I realize I've collapsed onto the loveseat. I can't believe I've done it again. I hurt her. Even worse is knowing she's right. I will always disappoint her because it's who I am. Whatever good existed in me rotted away long ago, thanks to senseless tragedies and shitty circumstances.

As I'm swallowed up by hopelessness, my mind drifts to our time at the lake. It was only my second day back when I took her there to clear the air. At the time, I had little to no expectation of what would happen in the days to come, but her words of forgiveness and understanding soothed the dark void that, for more than a decade, had eaten away at me. It awakened something in me. Something akin to hope. Like a spark. A want. For the first time in 15 years, I could see hints of a future I wanted to be a part of.

I've done some awful things in my life. Things that make me not deserving of her, but fuck! There's no going back. My heart wants what it wants, even knowing she isn't mine and will probably never be. She's the balm to my irritated mind, the quench to my thirst for peace. She's the air that I long for when I can't breathe, and the only one who pacifies the haunted demons inside me. There is no going back. I won't walk away from her. Not now. Not ever again.

Rubbing rough hands over my face, I come to a decision. The Embree I spoke to just now is hurt. She's angry, and she's scared. More importantly, her ire toward me is well deserved. I have a lot to make up for and the only way to prove to her and myself that I deserve to be here and back in her life is through my actions.

By being there for her through the tough times.

By staying, even when all I want to do is run.

By supporting her, even if it's toward the arms of another.

From this point forward, she is my mission. Protecting her, keeping her family safe, and neutralizing all threats.

With my mind made up, I head out of the office and make my way to the private space where I know the team is waiting.

"There you are. Nice of you to finally join us," Ben chides.

Unlike the last time we were here, the room has been configured with one large table at the center, which accommodates eight. With all members of the team in attendance, the only seat available is the one next to Embree. That she avoids my gaze as I sit next to her cuts deep, but I tamp down my disappointment, choosing instead to focus on the reason I'm here.

"Let's get started," Ben looks around the table as everyone quiets. "As you know, the FBI paid Emilia a visit this morning. Though they attempted to scramble the signal, we were able to capture audio of the exchange, which we will play for everyone now. Emilia has expressed her desire to stay through this part." Looking at Emilia, his tone changes to that of a loving big brother. "If at any point this gets to be too much, say the word and we'll stop." Then to Owen, he says, "Whenever you're ready."

For the next thirteen minutes, I'm on the edge of my seat, my anger and disdain for the asshole FBI agents growing by the second. How fucking dare they speak to her that way, and why the hell did we leave her so damned exposed, given what we know? Nothing about this situation sits right. The entire story is like that of a movie, with everything pointing to some sort of conspiracy within the FBI. As I look at the men sitting around the table, I see the same rage I feel. They all know what this means, a battle the likes of which none of us have ever seen.

As the audio concludes, the room falls into a deep silence. Everyone is working through the information, and no one wants to say out loud that which we're not ready to face as truth. But in the end, this isn't something we can ignore.

"This is on us. One of us should have been there." I can't help the accusing tone as I look right at Ben. After all, he's the one who insisted it wasn't necessary. He was so sure tapping into their surveillance and watching from a distance would be enough.

BROKEN VOWS (Broken Redemption Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now