Chapter 24

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It's not until I'm coming face to face with the two men at my door that I wish I'd pushed Creed into letting me attend the agency's family events. At least then I'd know for sure who these men are, or at the very least, if they're agents he trusted.

But as was the case with everything my husband did, he demanded a clear separation between work and his private life. He was adamant the two worlds should never mix, and though I understood, I can't deny it's partly to blame for the rift that grew between us. That professional part of him is one he made sure I never got the chance to know, and sadly, that was the part that made up most of who he was.

In their starched white dress shirts and black ties, they would look like typical businessmen, if not for the large FBI logo printed on their jackets. The gold badges dangling from their necks show they're here in an official capacity. Instantly I'm struck by a sense of foreboding. The intense stares and sharp tones immediately convey they aren't here as friends of my husband.

"Mrs. Preston, we have business we'd like to discuss. Could we come in?"

"Uh, no." I straighten my shoulders and step out onto my porch, making sure the door clicks shut behind me. "I'd like to talk out here if that's alright?" Feigning ignorance as coached by Nic and Ben, I continue. "Are you here with news of my husband?"

"What we have to discuss is sensitive in nature. Is there somewhere more private we can talk?" Agent One asks, his beady eyes scanning the area as though he suspects someone is watching.

"If you don't mind, I'd prefer to stay out here. I'm not comfortable inviting you into my home, given you haven't introduced yourselves or told me why you're here." So far, so good. As Ben instructed, keeping them outside where prying eyes can see is what's safest.

"Our apologies, mam." Agent Two reaches out a hand. "I'm Special Agent Carter Hunt and this is my partner, Special Agent Robert Kessler. We're here to talk about your husband. If this is where you're most comfortable, we can speak out here."

He smiles at me before eyeing his partner with a pinched expression. I guess he's playing the part of "good cop". When I say nothing, he continues.

"Mrs. Preston, have you heard from your husband?"

The question pushes my buttons, my anger rising in a wave I couldn't stop, even if I wanted to. "No. Have you?"

"We ask the questions here, Mrs. Preston. Not the other way around," Special Agent Kessler smarts at me.

"How dare you?" I seethe, no longer able to hold back my disdain for the man who's tormented me with his monthly calls. "For two years, all I've done is answer your questions while all you've done for me is issue threats. Now, after all this time, you have the nerve to show up at my door demanding I give you answers while declaring you don't owe me any. Well, let me tell you something Mr. Kessler, after doing nothing to help my husband or my family during his absence, I owe you people nothing." My voice is thick, as angry tears swell into an uncontrollable rage.

"Mrs. Preston," Agent Kessler, steps toward me, his posture stiff and threatening, "I would suggest you remember who you're talking to. You're in a lot of trouble here." His movement is halted when Agent Hunt puts a hand to his chest.

"I'm in trouble?" I ask, a sarcastic chuckle escaping me as I'm awed by this man's audacity. "What could I possibly be in trouble for? Skipping out on PTA meetings, or is it for not heeding the 5 miles per hour speed limit at the school's drop-off line? In case you're not aware of this, Agent Kessler. Every waking moment of my life is dedicated to raising my children alone because the FBI's done nothing to bring their father home. So spare me your threats. I've done nothing to deserve your disrespect."

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