The Letters

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(July 16th, 1998: The Burrow) Third Persons POV

"This is ridiculous, what about existing couples?" Ginny demands. She is with her family and Harry. They had just read about a marriage law in the Daily Prophet.

"It doesn't say" Harry tells them looking at the Daily Prophet in his hands.

"Wish Hermione was here, she'd know what to do" Ron mutters.

"She's just been reunited with her parents" Harry reminds him. She had found them and returned their memories. "I'm sure she'll be over for my birthday" he adds. She had promised she would be there.

"Still can't believe she is going back to school" Ron states.

"This is Hermione we're talking about, it's not that surprising" Harry tells him. Ron nods his head grudgingly. He and Harry would be starting auror training after Harry's 18th birthday. Hermione had been offered a job at the ministry also.

But she refused, wanting to finish her education first and start things the right way. As she says. Ron can't imagine why she'd want to go back to school. But then again she is not the only one returning. The Weasleys and Harry all continue to talk about the new law that has been passed. While cleaning up after breakfast. Ginny got her Hogwarts letter.

(Granger house) Hermione's POV

"Hermione dear, are you ok?" mum asks concerned.

"You look pale" dad adds.

"A new law has been passed" I tell them not taking my eyes off of the Daily Prophet.

"In your world?" dad asks and I nod my head.

"What sort of law?" mum asks me curious.

"A marriage law" I answer and dad chokes on his morning coffee. While mum drops the plate she had been drying. It shattered on the floor. I sigh point my wand at it. "Reparo" I say and it fixed itself and flew onto the counter while mum rubs dad's back soothingly.

"Marriage law?" dad asks in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, listen to this" I tell them. "Good morning everyone, it was decided last night to implement an old marriage law. In the wake of the past wars and the lose of so much magical blood. It will only be in place until this time next year, but all marriages will be magically binding and unbreakable.

Now, this will not affect everyone. Couples will be assigned at random. Only witches and wizards that are currently between the ages 17 & 25 will be affected. Once matches have been made, letters will be sent out to those involved. This should be in a couple of weeks.

I know some of you will be returning to school to complete your NEWTs. I assure you, you may finish your education before marrying your partner. But you'll need to be expecting a baby within the first year of your marriage.

We will try to pair couples that know each other. But they will be paired by a non-biased and impartial selector. With no risk for human error. All matches are final and failure to comply with the new law, will be meet with appropriate punishment.

I am sorry about this law. But know the decision to implement it was not made lightly. It was argued at great length what would be best for the wizarding community. And would provide the quickest desired results. I wish you all a good day, said acting Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt" I finish reading the article. I fold up the paper and put it down.

"But you're eighteen. Nearly nineteen and you helped save the magical world. Surely it won't include you, right?" dad asks me.

"I don't know" I tell him.

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