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Dear Santa,

I would first like to thank you for the gifts you've brought me these past years; they are very precious to me. I love the wristwatch you got me last two years; I still put it on, though the glass is broken, Owen played with it and it fell from his hands, I had told him earlier not to play with it because it was a special gift but he didn't listen, he is such a stubborn boy. The barbie doll you got me last year was my favorite, I was so happy that I cried when I unboxed the gift you brought. The doll was so perfect, just the way I had described it in the letter I wrote. I didn't think you would get my letter, let alone read it, because I am sure you also receive letters from millions of other kids around the world. People had convinced me that you weren't real and I was wasting my time writing to you, but I held the belief you were real and you would prove them wrong. I have explained to them how you bring me presents since my 9th birthday, yet, they wouldn't believe. Perhaps if you get them presents this year, they would believe you existed. Now, Santa, I write to you this year again. I just hope I am not writing too late as Christmas is in two weeks' time, please read my letter before other kids own, especially Owen; he had told me he was going to write his four days ago. What I want for Christmas this year will be a little different from what I have requested for before, and as you have always delivered, I am sure you will deliver this year's own too, what joy would it be if you actually do deliver it! All I want for this Christmas is to see you, talk to you, ride on your sledge across the world and take a picture with you. I hope I haven't asked too much; I believe it's something you can do. I have seen you done it for other kids in the movies at the cinema and I really wish it will get to be my turn this year. I have never seen you before, I only see the presents you drop under our Christmas tree. Other kids are usually happy when they go see Mr. Santa at the mall, but I am usually not, because Mr. Santa at the mall doesn't bring gifts to my home like you do. I have told them before that Mr. Santa at the mall wasn't the real Santa, but they wouldn't listen to me. I hope you can show up at our place this Christmas so I can ride on your sledge to their houses to prove that you are the real Santa Claus, especially Cecilia, I want to see the look of disappointment on her face and watch her cry like her baby sister when I show her you are the real Santa Claus. She argues with me every time we talk about you. Please come, my mother would be so happy to see you and I pray you also get her a gift. I asked what she wanted for Christmas and she said she'd love a necklace, I do not have enough money to get her one, so I would like you to help me get her one when you come visiting. Once again, thanks for the previous gifts you've brought. I look forward to this year's present. My warmest regards to your wife, Mrs. Santa, it will be double joy if you can bring her along. Do not worry, I will ask my mother to prepare the best cookies you have ever tasted, better than the ones Mrs. Santa prepares for you {ha ha ha]. Milk will also not be a problem; we have bottles of it reserved specially for you upon your arrival. I anticipate your arrival because I know you will read my letter and answer me as you have always done. Till then, best wishes of the season.

Yours Sincerely,

Teardrops rolled down my cheeks as I sat on the floor and read the letter an eleven-year-old me wrote to Santa Claus. I folded and returned it into the dusty envelope in the box. It turned out my mother had saved all the letters I had been writing to Santa, they were all kept in a box with some having part of the paper torn off. "You must have thought Santa really did get your letters." My mother said, when she saw the way I smiled at the letters in the box. She sat on her favorite armchair with her walking stick in her left hand.
"Were you the Santa I was writing to?" I asked.

"No, I wasn't," She laughed. Her cheeks still had enough strength to create a smile on her wrinkled face and display the set of incomplete teeth in her mouth. "I only acted as a mailman for Santa."

THE CHRISTMAS SEARCHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora