10. The Quidditch World cup!

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[January 5th, 1994. The Evening Prophet]

"England faces loss in the opening match of 422nd Quidditch World Cup, played between England and India. Chaser Potter says England won't be on backfoot because of one loss" -Reeta Skeeter.

The opening match of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup ended in a win for India. Most of the match was dominated by England, especially the young chaser Heracles Potter, who went on to score 30 goals for the English team. The score was 410-300, strongly in favour of England, when the Indian captain and seeker, pulled a Wronski feint on an unsuspecting English seeker and caught the snitch moments after, tipping the match in India's favour by 450-410. This reporter had a chance to interview the MVP of the match, Chaser Heracles Serpens-Potter, and it was enlightening to say at least. The Hero of Tri-series played between Bulgaria, France and England said that he had faith in the English Quidditch team's chances to win the tournament and one defeat wasn't enough to set them on the backfoot. The young chaser also said-


[January 21st,1994. The Evening Prophet]

"England bounces back strong against Argentina. Spectacular performance by English Chasers. Argentina still caught the snitch" - Reeta Skeeter.

The 19th match of the 422nd World Cup was played between England and Argentina. English chasers were on offense from the start of the match with chaser Potter scoring 2 goals in the first minutes of the game. The inform chaser gave a spectacular performance scoring 320 points all over the match. The Argentinean Seeker had to catch the snitch when the scores were 430-150 in England's favour, to save the team from a humiliating defeat. 


[February 14th, 1994. The Evening Prophet]

"Bulgarian team ties the English in a close score match. Chaser Potter consecutively declared MVP in his 3rd game" -Reeta Skeeter

After Dominating the game for the better part of the game, the win was snatched away by the seeker of the Bulgarian team. The English Team had the upper hand throughout the match. Their win was almost guaranteed with the lead they have on Bulgarians by 310-170, when Viktor Krum showing why he is called a prodigy on broom, snatched the snitch from beneath the nose of English Seeker, but not before chaser Heracles Potter had nailed a brilliant goal from half-field away. The referee checked and it was decided that the match was a tie on 320-320. It was quite an exciting match. With how much Heracles Potter and Viktor Krum seem to one-up each other, it can be said that a rivalry between the two youngest talents of Quidditch does exist. Neither Krum nor Potter commented on that.

[February 28th, 1994. The Evening Prophet]

"The English Quidditch team defeats the Australians by a wide margin. English seeker catches the snitch first time in more than 20 matches" - Reeta Skeeter.

The English team presented spectacular teamwork against the Australians in the 38th match of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. The English beater Indira Choudhary was declared the Hero of the match. She made sure that none of the passes among the chasers could be intercepted by the Australian Beaters and she herself was very aggressive in her gameplay, successfully hitting the Australian chasers 12 times. Chaser Potter also seemed in form and scored 280 points for his team, which led to the English team dominating the game as usual. The contribution of the English chasers brought the score 290-100 when the English Chaser Blythe Parkin caught the snitch, ending the match in England's favour. When asked about strategy, chaser Potter said that his only strategy was to make sure England remained at least 150 points in the lead, before the seekers could even properly spot the snitch. Does this mean Chaser Potter has no faith in the seeker of the English team or is it a personal attack on Blythe Parkin? Seeker Parkin was unavailable for comment.

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