8. Of Christmas and Apartments!

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[7 October, 1993]

"England crushes France by 490-300. Potter scores 280" -Reeta Skeeter


[16th October, 1993]

"Potter ploughs through Bulgaria. England won by 360-270" -Reeta Skeeter


[30 October, 1993]

"England defeats France by 300-270 in a close call match. Potter, as usual, the highest Scorer -Reeta Skeeter.


[6 November, 1993]

"England wins against Bulgaria by 370-300. Potter splashes water on Krum's hard work" -Reeta Skeeter.


[10 November, 1993]

"Potter wins England the Final match. England wins the Tri-series after defeating Bulgaria by 380-310" -Reeta Skeeter.

With a very exciting game between England and Bulgaria, England defeated Bulgaria by 70 points , claiming the Tri-series Cup for themselves. Before the final match which would decide the winner, Both England and Bulgaria had won 5 matches each. In form chaser, Heracles Serpens-Potter scored 31 goals completely dashing the hopes of Bulgarian team to win the cup. Viktor Krum finally caught the snitch bringing the end to the game, lest chaser Heracles Serpens-Potter score more goals and give Bulgaria a humilating defeat.

Heracles had also been names the Hero of the siries as he scored 1730 points in just 6 matches with average of 288.33, that is more than 28 goals per match, which is quite a terrefic performance by a chaser. Viktor Krum, the young seeker from Bulgaria had also proved himself to be one of the greatest players in Quidditch by making a world record of catching the snitch in every match his team participated in tournament and had it not been for Heracles Potter, 17 year old Viktor would have been the MVP of series. Quidditch fans all around the world are wondering, if it is the start of a legendary rivalry.


[25th December 1993]

"Hermione, no need to be in hurry love. Harry's place is not even a 30-minute drive from ours." Emma said trying to calm down her fussy daughter.

Harry had invited the Granger family to his home. Hermione wanted to go there the first day they came home for the Christmas holidays, but Harry had told her that as much as he didn't want Hermione to be away from him, she had to spend time with her parents and then she could come over his place regularly after Christmas, when Dan and Emma also have to be off for their practice, which later changed into plan of Grangers staying there for reminder of Holidays, after finding out he lived in the same building as their practice. The Grangers were happy when they heard about his thoughtfulness.

"I still can't believe he lives in the same apartment where we have our practice. Can there be any bigger coincidences?" Dan expressed his disbelief.

That hasn't been a coincidence. Harry's alternate self had brought the home after finding out about Hermione's parents' practice. He had planned to use it to start a conversation with Hermione and also so that her parents wouldn't have much problem with them spending time together in holidays if they were within reach.  

Harry himself had thought it to be a stroke of genius. AU Harry had bought the whole 13th floor of the building. Although regarded as one of the strongest magical numbers in Arithmancy, it was treated as an unlucky number among muggles. So, it was very common for buildings to skip the 13th floor completely. Thus, no one had missed it after Harry had Goblins put wards and a Fidelius charm over the whole floor. Of course, AU Harry had made sure there was no paperwork for the transaction if you could call it so. The builder had just forgotten about the floor existing, and it had been hidden from every paperwork including advertisement pamphlets and architecture maps, and AU Harry had just dumped the suitcase with money in the builder's house, not wanting to swindle him. A strong compulsion had made sure that the builder kept the money.

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